问题一:白血病的英文怎么说 白血病 [词典] leukaemia; leuk(a)emia; leukocythemia; leucemiz; leucocythemia; [例句]所有募集到的资金都将用于“白血病患儿”组织。 All funds raised will be used by Children With Leukaemia问题二:白血病的英语翻译 白血病用英语怎么说 白血病的英语翻译 Leukemia in English问题三:白血病的英文 白血病 : l攻ukemia 其它相关解释:例句与用法: 他因患白血病正在接受类固醇治疗. He's being treated with steroids for leukaemia.问题四:关于白血病的英语作文120字左右 白血病(血癌)是一种癌症,即骨髓产生大量的异常白血球,而正常白血球、红血球和血小板生成减少。辅助稀牌破壁灵芝孢子粉对于增强骨髓造血功能,使血红蛋白、血小板及白细胞明显升高 问题五:血癌的英文简称是什么 leukemia [lju:'ki:mi??] neopla *** of blood-forming tissues; characterized by abnormal proliferation of leukocytes; one of the four major types of cancer 血癌 白血病问题六:白血病的励志例子英文版 你好,请问你具体的情况是什么呢,能否把具体的病情以及相关的检查提供详细一些呢,我们只有了解详细的 病情资料后 才能 进行 分析,以便给你提供一些帮助也建议。 问题七:8年级英语作文写一个患有白血病的人 听力课堂初二英语作文栏目,为您搜集了大量的初二英语作文范文,内容丰富精彩,帮您轻轻松松的打好英语作文写作基础,提高您的英语写作水平。听力课堂网初二英语作文栏目让您
Marie Curie, or rather Marya Sklodowska, was born in Warsaw on November 7, 1867. At the time, the Polish capital was occupied by the Russians, who were seeking to weaken the local élite but nonetheless tolerated the burgeoning of the positivist doctrine advocated by Auguste Comte. Based on the value of experience and scientific reality, and applied to society, it was for many intellectuals the path of progress; it was to leave an indelible mark on Marya. Born into a family of teachers and brought up in an environment marked by a sense of duty and a lack of money, she led the most Spartan of lives. From the premature death of one of her sisters, and later of her mother, she drew the agnosticism that would later bolster her faith in science. As a brilliant and mature student with a rare gift of concentration, Marya harboured the dream of a scientific career, a concept inconceivable for a woman at that time. But lack of funds meant she was forced to become a private tutor. She made huge financial sacrifices so that her sister Bronia could fulfil her wish of studying medicine in Paris, nurturing the hope that the favour might be returned. And so, in 1891, the shy Marya arrived in Paris. Ambitious and self-taught, she had but one obsession: to learn. She passed a physics degree with flying colours, and went on to sit a mathematics degree. It was then that a Polish friend introduced her to Pierre Curie, a young man, shy and introvert. In 1895, this free-thinker, acknowledged for his work on crystallography and magnetism, became her husband. One year previously, he had written to her saying how nice it would be "to spend life side by side, in the sway of our dreams: your patriotic dream, our humanitarian dream and our scientific dream." In her pioneering way, Marie Curie decided, in 1897, to take a physics doctorate. Henri Becquerel, who was studying X-rays, had recently observed that uranium salt left an impression on a photographic plate in spite of its protective envelope. What better subject could there have been for Marie than to try and understand the effect, the energy of these uranic rays? Pierre consented. And so his frail wife set about her work, handling tons of minerals; she noted that another substance, thorium, was "radioactive", a term she herself had coined. Together, they demonstrated in a major discovery that radioactivity was not the result of a chemical reaction but a property of the element or, more specifically, of the atom. Marie then studied pitchblende, a uranic mineral in which she measured a much more intense activity than is present in uranium alone. She deduced that there were other substances besides uranium that were very radioactive, such as polonium and radium, which she discovered in 1898. In their experiments, Pierre observed the properties of the radiation while Marie, for her part, purified the radioactive elements. Both shared the same, uncanny tenacity, which was all the more admirable given their deplorable living conditions. Their laboratory was nothing more than a miserable hangar, where in winter the temperature dropped to around six degrees. One chemist commented that "it looked more like a stable or a potato cellar". And yet, Marie admitted that "one of our pleasures was to enter our workshop at night; then, all around us, we would see the luminous silhouettes of the beakers and capsules that contained our products". Despite their difficulty at obtaining any advances or loans, Marie and Pierre Curie refused to file a patent application that would have secured them financially; in their eyes, enabling any scientist, French or foreign, to find applications for radioactivity took priority. Pierre tested radium on his skin. It caused a burn, and then a wound: its effect on man was thus proven. Soon radium was being used to treat malign tumours: Curietherapy was born. In 1903, Marie defended her thesis. Together with Becquerel, the Curies were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for their discovery of natural radioactivity. Their happiness was short lived. In 1906, Pierre, weakened by radiation and overworked, was run over by a car. Marie was forced to continue alone. She took charge of educating her two children; she took up the position which her husband had finally obtained at the Sorbonne, and thus became the first woman to be appointed professor there. She also had to fight the prejudices of her day: hatred of foreigners and sexism which, in 1911, prevented her from entering the Academy of Science. And yet, soon after, she was honoured with a Nobel Prize for Chemistry for determining the atomic weight of radium. But her real joy was "easing human suffering". The founding of the Radium Institute by the University of Paris and the Pasteur Institute in 1914 would enable her to fulfil her humanitarian wish. But then war broke out. "We must act, act," she would say, motivating her daughter Irène to follow suit. She felt that X-rays would help to locate shrapnel and bullets, and facilitate surgery; also, that it was important not to move the wounded, whenever possible. And so she created X-ray vans. But she did not stop there, and went on to provide equipment for hospitals. The only protection at that time was a metal screen and fabric gloves. All she needed to do was convince reticent doctors and find well-trained manipulators. No sooner said than done. Marie trained 150 female manipulators. With the war over, she went back to work in her institute, with Irène by her side. Marie ran the research laboratory while Dr Claudius Regaud headed the applied biology laboratory. Their co-operation proved harmonious, sharing as they did similar ideals and the same disinterest in financial matters. Physicians and chemists provided the radium, and physicists treated cancer patients. Marie set about collecting funds and raw materials, the price of which had soared, going as far afield as the United States; but she found it hard to accept that dark economic interests should prevail. Marie died of leukaemia in July, 1934, exhausted and almost blinded, her fingers burnt and stigmatised by "her" dear radium. This sixty-seven-year-old woman, who, according to Dr Claudius Regaud, "under a cold exterior and the utmost reserve (...) concealed in reality an abundance of delicate and generous feelings", had been exposed to incredible levels of radiation. Other researchers after her, her daughter in particular, would also pay the price. In January, together with her husband, Frédéric Joliot, Irène, who had been working in the same laboratory and with the same relentless determination as her mother, discovered artificial radioactivity, for which she, too, was awarded the Nobel Prize. Radioactivity is the starting point for cancer treatment, for the dating techniques used on ancient objects, rocks and the universe, and for molecular biology and modern genetics; it is also the source of nuclear energy and the atomic bomb. The other side of the coin...
由于急性白血病的分子的复杂性、新型功能性基因组 建立了屏幕可以帮助识别各种目标,当阻塞导致致命性爆炸的合成进展(epi)不同与众不同的基因组病变。密切互动的学术和医药生物医学研究有必要将将这些令人兴奋的新分子的发现转化成一种改进的疗法对于急性白血病。
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在医学领域中,药学专业学生需要学习基础医学相关知识,成为社会需要的创新型药学人才。下文是我为大家整理的药学的论文 范文 的内容,欢迎大家阅读参考!
近日,浙江师范大学生化学院赵铁军课题组在成人T细胞白血病发病机制研究中取得重要突破。研究论文“HTLV-1 activates YAP via NF-κB/p6
问题一:白血病的英文怎么说 白血病 [词典] leukaemia; leuk(a)emia; leukocythemia; leucemiz; leucoc