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The new accounting standards historical transformation, symbolizes that our country adapts the market economy development to need hastens with the international convention with the China accounting standards system's official establishment. The new criterion to the Chinese economy's influence is profound, depth of the reform degree is unprecedented. Implements the new criterion the influence not to limit to the enterprise to the financial report process, but also penetrates into operative activity many aspects, but to the enterprise taxable level's influence without doubt is significant and profound. In the new criterion 38 concrete criteria, the income takes the profit simultaneously is also the tax revenue most important origin, receives the enterprise, the investor as well as other related aspects universal recognition. How scientifically the standard income's confirmation and did the measurement, guarantee that financial reporting reflection income information real reliable as well as tax payment amount accurate, has been the focal point which the people pay attention. The present paper is precisely under this kind of big background, through and unifies the basic stipulation which to the income this concrete criterion's explanation newest accountant operates and the newest tax treatment basic policy, explains it direct or the indirect influence and strips to the enterprise taxable level has the help rationalization proposal to the enterprise tax payment preparation. 关键词: 收入准则Receives the criterion 企业纳税the enterprise tax payment影响 affects人工翻译:Change that the new accounting criterion of the summary of influence on paying taxes in enterprises of the income criterion is historical, mark the formal setting-up that our country met the needs of economic development of the market with the Chinese accounting criterion system with convergent international practice. The impact on China's economy of the new criterion is far-reaching, it is unprecedented that the ones that reform intensity are deep. Implement the impact on enterprise of the new criterion and does not confine to the course of the financial report, still get deeply to a lot of respects of the business activities, and the influence of links is undoubtedly great and far-reaching to paying taxes in enterprises among them. In 38 concrete criteria of new criterion, the income is the most important source of the tax revenue at the same time as the profit, receive the general attention of the enterprise, investor and other relevant respects. How standardize affirmation and measurement of income, guarantee income that financial statement reflect information true and reliable paying taxes number accurate scientific, it has been the focus that people have paid close attention to all the time. This thesis is just under such great background, through understanding and combining the basic policy that deal with of basic regulation and latest tax that the latest accountant operate to this concrete criterion of the income, come, explain it pay taxes to enterprise link direct influencing and stripping, appearing, paying taxes of, preparing the helpful conductive suggestion to enterprise from it indirectly. Keyword: Income criterion, enterprises pay taxes, influence

144 评论



282 评论


把会计准则划分为基本准则、一般准则和具体准则三个层次。基本准则包括独立经营准则、经济效益准则、计划准则等;一般准则包括会计分期准则、会计主体准则等;具体准则包括会计核算、会计控制和会计分析准则。通常,我们所指的准则是会计核算准则,会计核算准则是关于价值的确认、计量和报告的准则。由于会计核算具有分配功能和信息功能,是处于不同利益主体之间关系的依据,所以会计核算准则不应包含财务管理和管理会计有关方面的规范。因此,这一观点也不可取。 OO 搜 1134++++6343++++77 希望可以合作 我们是专门做收费代写服务的 需要的话可以联系 若有打扰 深表歉意 天成论文网 天成论文网 天成论文网 天成论文网 天成论文网 天成论文网 天成论文网 天成论文网 天成论文网 天成论文网 天成论文网 天成论文网 天成论文网 天成论文网 天成论文网 天成论文网 天成论文网天成论文网 天成论文网 天成论文网 天成论文网 天成论文网 代写毕业论文包通过!!代写职称论文包发表!! 【我们的代写/代发优势】 本联盟汇集所有行业近30名兼职专家教授学者,学历均在硕士以上,文章质量绝对有保证。出自本联盟的每篇文章都是原创,版权归客户所有,而且绝对为顾客保密。我们跟各行业学术期刊均有业务联系,任何学科的论文均可保证发表。 【我们的代写/代发范围】毕业论文 外语论文 中级职称论文、高级职称论文学术论文、公务员论文、本科论文、硕士论文、博士论文、办公文书、演讲稿、报告总结、各种文体互译等服务。

232 评论


Receives the criterion to enterprise tax payment influence abstract the new accounting standards historical transformation, symbolizes that our country adapts the market economy development to need hastens with the international convention with the China accounting standards system's official establishment. The new criterion to the Chinese economy's influence is profound, depth of the reform degree is unprecedented. Implements the new criterion the influence not to limit to the enterprise to the financial report process, but also penetrates into operative activity many aspects, but to the enterprise taxable level's influence without doubt is significant and profound. In the new criterion 38 concrete criteria, the income takes the profit simultaneously is also the tax revenue most important origin, receives the enterprise, the investor as well as other related aspects universal recognition. How scientifically the standard income's confirmation and did the measurement, guarantee that financial reporting reflection income information real reliable as well as tax payment amount accurate, has been the focal point which the people pay attention. The present paper is precisely under this kind of big background, through and unifies the basic stipulation which to the income this concrete criterion's explanation newest accountant operates and the newest tax treatment basic policy, explains it direct or the indirect influence and strips to the enterprise taxable level has the help rationalization proposal to the enterprise tax payment preparation. key word: Receives the criterion, the enterprise tax payment, affects 分给我吧,翻译真的很累!!!

139 评论


会计准则和制度的经济后果研究毕业论文 亲爱的朋友,由于这里不让发网站网址,我们发了搜索结果给您,您在搜索结果页面点进去后会见到我们网站网址,然后在我们网站里即可 查看到您想要的论文或者资料,本站有数十万篇免费论文,希望对您写作有帮助,给您带来不便,请谅解!

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