In order to accurately to corn reducing sugar and total sugar, this paper quantitatively analyzed the determination method of sugar was studied. In different parameters were determined under the absorbance of the solution. Like the best measuring wavelength, colour-display reagent consumption, reaction time, stabilization time, acid hydrolysis time. The experiment using DNS law to 5-bis nitro salicylic acid (DNS) for colour-display reagent, in a neutral or alkaline conditions and reducing heat by reductive into of the palm red color depth amine-group compounds, which was positively associated with the sugar content by single factor experiment to determine the optimal experiment condition, according to standard solution by glucose drawing the standard curve calculation corn reducing sugars and total sugar content. Experimental results show that the best 540nm detected wavelength for colour-display reagent consumption, mL, show color time 5min. Glucose concentration range for the linear 40ug/mL, 8 ~ with total sugar solution 5 times parallel determination, RSD = ; The average recovery of samples, RSD = . That this method stability, excellent repeatability. And through the system of infrared scanning spectra sample solution proved solution contains analysis of reducing sugar.
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As the degree of air pollution in recent years China's increasing severity, people began to realize that the atmospheric pollution hazards and began to reflect, to environmental damage from extensive mode for the cost of economic development has not been able to continue. The atmospheric environment if continue to be very serious pollution, the development of human society will cause inestimable losses. Change the mode of economic growth, control of air pollution, protect the atmospheric environment is imminent. Taking Xinle city as an example, through the data collected from Xinle City, the current pollution situation is very serious, at the same time, according to people in the past on air pollution control experience combined with the local reality put forward the view of their own, starting from the legislative means, economic means, ideological education and so on, in order to provide suggestions for the to solve the problem of local air pollution.(毕业大学生真泛滥啊.............
To return to original state accurately to the corn in the sugar and the total sugar carries on the quantitative analysis, the present paper has conducted the research to the sugar determination method. Determines the solution under the different parameter the extinction. Like best determination wave length, developer amount used, reaction time, settling time, acid hydrolysis time. This article tests uses the DNS law, take 3,5- dinitro naphthol salicylic acids (DNS) as the developer, in the neutrality or under the alkalinity condition heats after the return to original state sugar by the reduction brown red amino-compound, its color depth and the sugar content present are related, through the single factor experiment determined that the best experimental condition, according to returns to original state the sugar by in the glucose standard solution plan's specification curve computation corn and the total sugar content. the experimental result indicated that examines the wave length is best 540nm, developer amount used , colored time 5min. The glucose linear density scope is 8~40ug/mL, carries on 5 parallel determinations by the total sugar solution, RSD=; The sample mean returns-ratio is , RSD=. Explained that this method is stable, the duplication is good. And through the sample solution infrared scanning spectrogram analysis which resulted to the system proves in the solution to include the return to original state sugar