“毕业论文”的英文:Graduation Dissertation
Dissertation 读法 英 [,dɪsə'teɪʃ(ə)n] 美 ['dɪsɚ'teʃən]
n. 论文,专题;学术演讲
1、academic dissertation 学位论文 ; 学术论文
2、Graduation Dissertation 毕业论文
3、Doctorate dissertation 博士论文
4、Dissertation Committee 论文委员会
5、dissertation topics 毕业论文题目
article, paper,dissertation, essay, prose, thesis这组词都有“文章”的意思,其区别是:
1、article 多指在报刊、杂志上发表的非文艺性的文章,包括新闻报导、学术论文等。
2、paper 正式用词,多指在学术刊物上发表或在学术会议上宣读的专题论文,也指高等学校的学期论文,或学校里的作文练习。
3、dissertation 书面语用词,指独立研究后所写的较为详细的专题文章;也可指学位论文。
4、essay 指任何一种非小说性的,篇幅不长、结构简练的文章,如论说文、报道、评论、讽刺性杂文等。
5、prose 专指散文。
6、thesis 既可指毕业论文、学位论文,又可指一般的为阐述学术观点而写的论文。
1、Exploring "Trinity Working Mode" of Integrating Graduation Field Work, Graduation Dissertation and Employment on Graduation.
2、On Problems in Writing Graduation Dissertation
Globalization is one of the world development trend of China's economic and social development had a dramatic impact, that is, provided a good opportunity, it also brings great challenges. In order to meet the development trend of globalization, China must speed up the transformation of government functions. The paper first discusses the functions of our government problems, analyze the causes of these problems, as well as the transformation of government functions of globalization on the impact, on this basis, the trend of globalization has to adapt to the transformation of government functions to promote solutions.
手工翻译,杜绝机译:上面有一位还在推广网络翻译,笑话~~ 第一位也是机译,把“即”这个错别字翻译成了“that is”.全球化是世界发展的趋势,对我国经济和社会的发展产生了巨大的影响,即提供了良好的机遇,也带来了很大的挑战。为适应全球化的发展趋势,必须加快我国政府职能的转变。本文首先论述了我国政府职能存在的问题,剖析了造成这些问题的原因以及全球化对政府职能转变产生的影响,在此基础上,提出了适应全球化趋势的促进政府职能转变的对策。Globalization is one of the world development trends, which gives China's economic and social development dramatic impacts, providing good opportunities while also bringing great challenges. In order to meet the development trend of globalization, we must speed up the transformation of government functions in China. This paper discusses the problems of our government functions, analyzes the causes of these problems, as well as impact that globalization giving to the transformation of government functions. On the basis above, solutions to face the trend of globalization and to propel the transformation of government functions are brought out .
学术文献下载器(wxdown.org)整合汇集中外文献数据库资源,如:ScienceDirect(Elsevier)、Web of Science、Spring
“毕业论文”的英文:Graduation Dissertation Dissertation 读法 英 [,dɪsə'teɪʃ(ə)n] 美 ['dɪsɚ't
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