As the electric power system voltage level unceasing enhancement, assolenoid style voltage transformer (PT) and capacitive voltage transformer (CVT) appeared more and more difficult to overcome Using the optical voltage transformer (OVT) instead of traditional voltage transformer has become an inevitable At present, the general OVT is based on the lightning Pockels Its disadvantages mainly displays in: temperature seriously affect the stability of system, Nonlinear measure; Technology difficulty, Aiming at these problems, this paper studies a new optical voltage transformer, electrostatic diaphragm type voltage sensor, the working principle is: electrostatic produce electrostatic field, changing voltage change of voltage, due to electric field interaction and drive a thin film vibration, thin film vibration cause light intensity TCD1209D gathers light signals, then put the collected signals to acquisition card AD transform, finally the USB port transmission to the PC Application according to the signal transmission collection card showed up to measure voltage size and This paper firstly the diaphragm of the type of electrostatic voltage sensor principle are studied, and puts forward four kinds of electrostatic diaphragm type voltage sensor of a concrete realization way: the ocl driver diaphragm type electrostatic voltage sensor, double end driver diaphragm type electrostatic voltage sensor, without polarization voltage electrostatic diaphragm type voltage sensor and double diaphragm type voltage sensor, and the four kinds of electrostatic diaphragm type voltage sensor for the simulation Simulation results show that the electrostatic diaphragm type voltage sensor precision, linear measurement, real-Then, the diaphragm of the type of electrostatic voltage sensor the hardware realization were analyzed in Hardware is mainly composed of CCD, acquisition card and PC of three CCD light signals are converted to electrical signals, transmission to acquisition card, acquisition card the resulting signals into digital signals, through the USB interface teleport to PC In the upper machine, this paper use dialogue window to complete the MFC interface Because of electrostatic diaphragm type voltage sensor for data acquisition, processing of real-time demand is very high, so in the upper machine, the threads of threads, mutual cooperation work to accelerate data processing In the end, make a simple Experimental results show that: since there are natural light etc interference, system of measurement results exist relatively large deviation, By a simple digital filtering, use the diaphragm of the type electrostatic voltage sensor measuring voltage can be 我建议你自己在整理整理哦
我觉的科技论文翻译首先要做到以下几点:一、做好译前准备在翻译论文前,译者应先将要译的论文全文通读一遍,深刻理解原文每句话的含义以及其总体的结构。要在阅读的基础上,抓住该文的主要内容及特点。然后,在此基础上记下自己无法翻译的单词或术语及必要的句型。最后查阅有关词典或参考书,找出其相应的英语译法及句式表达。另外将其用铅笔轻轻加注在汉语论文无法翻译的词语或句型等下方,以便后续进行定稿整理。具体地说来,译前准备阶段有下列几个步聚:1、审读全文审读全文过程中要考虑下列几个问题:(1)你是否抓住了全文的中心内容?如果读完后还不知道该文的中心内容,你得考虑是否有把握翻译该文?(2)汉语论文中是否有文理不通或表达不清楚的地方?你能否把这些文理不通或表达不清楚的地方加以修改,使其文字通顺?(3)汉语论文中有否语言拖沓之处?应该怎么修改?(4)有没有修辞不当之处?你能对其加以改正吗?(5)汉语论文中的标点符号是否都正确?如有不当可以根据上、下文的意思将其改正?如果汉语论文中有上述之一点(或者有上述几点)的话,译者一般情况下是有能力独立处理的。如果万一自己无法处理,就应设法寻求帮助。否则,你自己就不具备翻译论文的最起码的汉语语言水平的条件。2、二次审读全文在第一次审读全文的基础上,现在就需要译者抛开汉语的思维习惯,一边读汉语的论文一边用英语进行思维了。当遇到某一(些)不知道如何译的专业术语时应当划下线,对于较生疏的汉语句式应当记下来。具体步聚是: 在二次阅读的基础上,用铅笔划出汉语论文中不熟悉(不会译)的词语和句型。查字典翻译出这些生疏的词语和句型,注在原文划下线的下方。看一看汉语中是否有句子长短不合适的地方?一般说来,中国人喜欢用短语,英美人(尤其在科技论文中)喜欢用多层次的长句。英译汉时常用折译法,而汉译英时却常常合(并)译。所以有些汉语句子可以根据其上下文的逻辑关系将两句译成一句。译者在二次阅读时应思考这个问题。二、仔细翻译论文一般说来,做好译前准备工作后,就可以开始仔细认真地手译(或用word整理好)。如果在翻译的过程中每一句话,每一个词,甚至每一个标点符号都准确无误的话,那么这次翻译基本可以定稿。但是译者只能尽量做到这一点。翻译时就应注意:句与句之间(除标点外)应当留一个字母的空隙;行与行之间留一行的空白。以便最后修改、加工时使用。如有因手误而导致译错的地方,应当及时在该行的左边页空处用铅笔加写正确的译文,同时将错译处划掉(注意不要涂抹),以便译完后及时修改。初译完后首先要自己审读一遍。看看除了自己在初译时及时发现的误译处外,有否别的不当之处:有否其它的译文用词不当?有否其它的标点错误?有否用词错误之处?有否句型等不合适的地方?有否译文的整体逻辑不清之处?如果上述几点均不存在,那么初译的论文在稍加工的基础上便可交付使用。三、做好论文加工论文加工指的是论文翻译大体得当,只有少数地方需要加工。一般说来,技术性的加工方法如下:(1)剪贴:指的是在论文的错(漏)处把正确的译文译好剪贴在错(漏)处。剪贴时应当注意:①纸质要与原纸质一致。②笔迹要一样。③如原文用打字译出,剪贴时也应打字。④剪贴时不应与前句(或后句),或上下文的最末(第一个)字母重叠。也不应覆盖原有的标点符号,以免影响原意。(2)局部修改:指的是论文在翻译中有较大的误译或错译。如果仅有几行错译或误译可以将其重新改写或打印。但一定要整齐、干净、达到“美”的标准。四、把控论文修改当初译的论文有取局部加工或剪贴的办法,需要重译。通过重译以更好地的把控质量,重译时有下列几点注意事项:(1)只重译有误译(错译)的那一页或那几页,没有必要全文重译。(2)避免改动过大,要保持上下文的一致。
接触氯化钠一九六小时内并没有死亡发生,小鱼最初表现出过度兴奋和过度换气,约10小时后恢复到正常状态。在这些毒性试验中没有观察到非致死的效应例如兴奋抑制,变黑的鱼背,呼吸的减弱。表1表示的是经短期氟化物毒性生物测定分析的水质参数值。所有数值都处于适合水生生物的水质标准(美国环境署,1986)以内。在开始时未检出氨和亚硝酸盐含量,也没有在生物测定时发现氟化盐的沉淀。每个鳟鱼物种在经过氟的毒性测试的平均干重( 60 * C 24小时)是9 - & 9毫克(O mykiss) 和6 9毫克(S truttafario) 死亡率的百分比,和氟化物,钠和电导率的均值
micelle 胶束admicelle 粘性胶束rod-like micelles 棒状胶束
surfactant 英[sɜ:ˈfæktənt] 美[sɜ:rˈfæktənt] 表面活性剂(的); [例句]Influence of a nonionic surfactant on the relationships between capillary pressure and saturation in two-phase system;非离子表面活性剂对两相系统毛细压力和饱和度关系的影响;
Haiti Earthquake of 2010 March 19, 2010 A delegation of experts on human rights in Haiti prepares to testify before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on March The delegation will urge the Commission to formally investigate the human rights impact of post-earthquake aid in Haiti and guide donor States regarding their obligations when delivering — Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti March 19, 2010 In anticipation of the March 31 Donors' Conference on Haiti, over 300 NGOs from around the world sent a letter to donor states calling on them to embrace the human rights and dignity of all Haitians as the driving force behind international assistance in rebuilding H — Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti March 16, 2010 January’s earthquake has prompted hundreds of thousands of Haitians to leave Port-au-Prince, reversing a decades-long migration from the — NYT March 15, 2010 New Orleans Law School professor Jeanne M Woods draws on the experience of Hurricane Katrina to advocate for a "human rights approach" to aid for Haiti, which would provide Haitians with control over their own destiny and long-term support for their basic — Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti March 15, 2010 Successful and sustainable development projects require including the Haitian people themselves in the planning and But as Loune Viaud of Partners in Health and Monika Kalra Varma of the RFK Center for Human Rights observe, "Those who have the greatest stake in rebuilding Haiti, Haitians themselves, don’t now and never have had a real seat at the " — Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti March 12, 2010 Elderly Haitians find themselves distinctly vulnerable and emotionally burdened after January's — NYT March 9, 2010 In the aftermath of the earthquake, Haiti faces the added challenge of the growing number of amputees and other disabled victims of the There is a pressing need for prostheses and a rehabilitation infrastructure before it's too — Institute for Justice & Democracy in Haiti Table of Contents Overview Relief Efforts Haitian Government Response Earthquakes in the Caribbean Social Conditions in Haiti Americans Accused of Child Trafficking How to Help Complete Coverage Overview Updated: F 19, 2010 By THE NEW YORK TIMES A massive earthquake struck Haiti just before 5 on J 12, about 10 miles southwest of Port-au-Prince, the country's The quake was the worst in the region in more than 200 A study by the Inter-American Development Bank estimates that the cost could be between $2 billion to $2 billion, based on a death toll from 200,000 to 250,
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大会堂低(立法会)和高语境(慧聪)二分法 提供了一个简单的分类的基础分组 文化的许多不同的国家,以帮助理解 隐藏代码通信。在他的框架内,在立法会 文化,大部分信息之间流动发件人 和接收载于该讯息本身。因此, 邮件需要明确和详细 因为每一方都将依赖几乎完全的信息 中所载的信息本身。另一方面,在一个 慧聪文化,那么明确和详细的资料进行 在邮件本身。相反,发送和接收依赖 更多的背景下,通信进程 传达的信息。因此,人的因素 和人际关系往往发挥更大的作用 在通信慧聪文化。的文化背景(慧聪 与立法会) ,因此,可能会影响到多少 之间传送邮件的营销渠道合作伙伴 实现有效的沟通(频率的通信) 以及类型或形式的邮件 自己。通常提到的例子,国家特点特点 的LC文化美国,德国和 瑞士。一些国家的文化与慧聪 包括巴西,日本和墨西哥(见表1 ) 。 通信问题得到了广泛的研究 由学者和商界之间的联系,文化和 通信已审查[ 14 ] ,但最努力 解决的重要性,跨文化沟通 已主要是概念上的。这是公认的,它是一种 重要方面的营销渠道[ 15 ]和有效 通信营销渠道是很难进行 实现在国内的营销渠道是地方文化 相对均匀。因此,本文讨论了 问题,并作出更大的文化距离甚至更 不同的渠道合作伙伴沟通,如何在国际 营销渠道?
I'm wangNan,a student of N1 Middle S I have a gooa friend,JHe' an USA We are both in Class Two,Grade EShe is 15 years old,one year older than We both study I'm good at physices,but she's good at We often help each other with Both of us like helping We both like sports very Jim enjoy playing but Ilike palying She likes green but Ilike Tough we are different in my ways,we are good friends
1 。导言 吸水环氧树脂系统是一项具有挑战性的问题,由于不可逆转的变化,水运作的聚合物性能。据信,并有足够的实验证据的入口处水诱导: (一)膨胀的制度和建立残余应力及其附近的接口[ 1 ] , (二)破裂之间的粘接系统和一个由于基板[ 2 ] , (三)光圈环氧乙烷其余群体[ 3 ] , ( d )项修改地方应力状态和建立microcrazes通过环境应力开裂[ 4 ] 。 没有通用的模式,以涵盖所有类型的水分子扩散[ 1 ] 。几个机制水入口已经提出: (一)由菲克扩散的法律通过自由体积的聚合物[ 5 ] , ( b )个案二扩散机制的渗透肿胀是有限的聚合物蠕变[ 6 ] , (三)肿胀诱导有利聚合物溶剂参数, ( d )项渗透现象由于微孔的存在,渠道和其他缺陷聚合物[ 7 ] 。 这也是常见的文献,水扩散系数在不同的环氧树脂系统大约10月8日至10月10日平方厘米的S - 1 [ 1,2,8 ] ,也可用于橡胶改性成分[ 8 ] 。相似的价值得到了其他玻璃状聚合物系统[ 2 ] 。扩散系数措施最初率吸水率和原则,应该依赖于化学性质的聚合物系统和交联度的交联系统,如环氧树脂的。但是,因为这将显示在这个文件,类似的扩散系数被发现即使不能完全治愈系统。 在努力为设计抗水环氧系统,有必要知道哪些材料参数的真正参与和控制的过程中水分的吸收。在本文中,我们研究了水分的吸收性能的一个新的总部设在环氧树脂配方中使用的硬化剂的反应导数的疏水性聚合物,如聚硅氧烷。这将是表明,当共同的双酚A二缩水甘油醚( DGEBA )树脂固化,在场的聚( 3 - aminopropylmethylsiloxane ) (参与机构调动系统) ,平衡性能大大增强。此外,由于特殊的特点和形态的环氧系统[ 9 ] ,不同的行为,发现postcuring温度。
In recent years, people often complain about dishonesty in our In newspapers,illegal businessmen run false advertisements to deceive In communication field, some people cheat money by sending false On campus, we find some students cheating at People are wondering why dishonesty is so prevailing? There are several causes,to my mind, contributing to the bad Firstly, some people are money- They are crazy about improving their material life and forgetting moral Secondly, competition in shopping areas is becoming more and more This forced some people to make profit or attain their goals by false Thirdly, some people are eager to become rich They judge a person’s success by the wealth they Finally, school life is full of eternal competition and each student tries to prove that he is more intelligent than the other Therefore students cheat on exams to get higher It pays to be honest in the long Being honest is beneficial to yourself and to other people,and honesty will bring you true friendship and more business As a member of modern society, we should behave ourselves honestly and in return it will pave the way for our success and Abstract: Nida’s ideas on translation have great influence on Chinese translation His recent statement-”My ideas have changed substantially” -will surely have a negative impact on the development of translation studies in C This paper aims at analyzing, from three perspectives, the reasons for Nida’s change of views on It will also give a re-evaluation of the position and role of translation theories in translation studies, as well as explore the relation of theory and Key words: translation studies; translation theories; translation practice; descriptive study Abstract: The paper tries to find the presupposition-triggers from the semantics and pragmatics level of the Then on the base of the above analysis, it gives out the features of It also points out the great significance of telling from the presupposition-triggers to Key words: presupposition-triggers; features of presupposition; analyzable factors
AbstractWith the worldwide dissemination of science and technique, English for science and technology has been developed into an important language in the scope of science and Since the 1970s’, it has aroused extensive attention and led to much research among different English for science and technology plays an important role in scientific and technical communication all over the In order to put it into more common use, translators have translated many scientific and technical This paper discusses the translation of English for science and technology according to my own The paper is divided essentially into four Firstly, it introduces the development of English for science and technology, what the English for science and technology includes and the characteristics of scientific The first part covers the basic conceptions and principles of translation, including what translation is, what the principles of translation are, the literal and free translation approaches, and basic information about translation of English for science and The second part, the most important part of this paper, shows the main characteristics of English for science and technology and their translating The third part introduces the elegance in the translation of science and And it also includes my own opinion about the Finally, the paper sums up some key points about translation of English for science and technology on the basis of what is introduced I hope that readers will obtain some knowledge about the translation of English for science and technology from this And I hope this paper will serve as reference and guidance for the students who are interested in English for science and 本来想贴出来给你的,忽然想到版权问题,而且字数受限,给你那个网址吧
breakout of advertising(广告爆炸)
[参考文献] [1 ]Bronte ,C Jane Eyre [M] London :Oxford University P [2 ]Danks ,Joseph H Cognitive Process in Translationand Interpreting[M] Sage Publications I [3 ]Nida ,Eugene A On Translation[M] 谭载喜译,中国对外翻译出版公司, [4 ]戴浩一 时间顺序和汉语的语序[ J ] 国外语言学, 1988 , (1) [5 ]戴浩一 以认知为基础的汉语功能语法刍议[J ] 国外语言学,1990 , (4) [6 ]吕叔湘 汉语语法分析问题[M] 商务印书馆, [7 ]吕叔湘 语文杂记[M] 上海教育出版社, [8 ]马秉义 英汉主语差异初探[J ] 外国语,1995 , (5) [9 ]谢信一 汉语中的时间和意象[J ] 国外语言学,1991 , (4)
增译法1)抽象名词后加词使其具体化2)增加一个适当的名词。3) 增加数量词。4)增加形容词5)不及物动词后增加宾语。6)增加连词。7)增加表示时态的词。8)增加一个适当的动词。9)增加英语中省略的词。10)增加一些适当修饰词语。 2.减译法:由于英汉两种语言在语法结构、表达方式以及修辞手段上的不同,有些词语或句子成分在英中是必不可少的,但若搬到译文去, 就会影响译文的简洁和通顺。因此在英译汉的过程中,为了使译文更加简练,更符合汉语的表达习惯需要省略一些可有可无或翻译后反嫌累赘的词语。但必须注意,减译不是删掉原文中的某些内容,在不易减译的情况下,不要随便减。1) 省略代词。2) 省略冠词。3) 省略连词。4) 省略介词。5) 省略名词。6) 省略动词。 4.分译法: 英语长句子比较多,汉语句子相对而言比较短。在翻译时可以改变原 文结构,把原文的某个成分从原来的结构中分离出来,译成一个独立成分、从句或并列分句。 合译法:和分译法不同,合译法是将不同的句子成分组合在一起, 使其更符合汉 语的表达方法。 6.反译法:一个问题有时可以从不同的角度来解释说明。有些句子英语是从正面 说的,汉语可以从反面来解释。1) 否定译成肯定。2)肯定译成否定。 顺序调整法:一般来说,翻译时应该按照句子原来的顺序进行,但由于英汉两 种语言中定语、状语和一些其他成分的位置不完全相同,翻译时需要做一定的调整(例如采用倒译法),使其符合汉语的习惯。 9.被动语态翻译法1) 变为汉语的主动形式。2) 被动结构的表化,将其翻译成"是……的"、"由……的"等3) 译成具有被动意义的汉语结构。4) 增添"人们"、"大家等适当的词做汉语译文的主 语。翻译技巧》 第一部分 翻译的性质与职业要求 教学目的:使学生很好地了解翻译的性质和作为译者的职业要求。 教学要点:翻译的定义、翻译的原则、翻译的过程、译者的职业要求 教学难点:学生缺乏翻译实际工作经验和对语言学、文学等翻译相关学科的知识,使得他们难于真正理解翻译的性质。 教学方法:项目驱动的任务型教学、合作学习教学 教学设备:网络多媒体课室 教学情境:参观翻译公司 时间分配: 第1-2节:翻译的定义 翻译的原则 翻译的过程 关于翻译的一些重要概念 第3-4节:参观翻译公司 译者的职业要求 翻译服务译文质量要求 翻译服务规范 翻译工作者操守准则与职业规范 翻译的定义 “翻译”(translation)可以有多种理解:Translating(翻译活动)/ translation(译文)/interpreting(口译活动)/interpretation(口译), translation studies(翻译研究), translatology(翻译学)。本课程所说的指的是翻译实践活动(Translating),是一种跨越时空的语言活动,而不是指翻译产品。 He is doing (活动) He is doing a (翻译产品) He is good at (技能) He is reading Shakespeare in (译文) The translation of theories into (转化) 我们可以轻松地从词典中查找到翻译的定义,一般来说,会说成是“将一门语言转化为另一门语言”,但这种定义太简单、太笼统。关于翻译人们有着不同的定义。如: 翻译是科学。 翻译是艺术。 翻译是技能、技艺。 翻译是跨文化交际。 翻译是“把一种语言已经表达出来的东西用另一种语言准确而完整地重新表达出来”(范存忠:“漫谈翻译”《翻译理论与技巧》中国对外翻译出版公司,1985,80) 翻译是“从语义到文体在译入语中用最切近而又最自然的对等语再现原语的信息(奈达,引自谭载喜:《奈达论翻译》中国对外翻译出版公司,1984,10) 翻译是运用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思想内容准确而完整的重新表达出来的语言活动。(张培基,《英汉翻译教程》上海外语教育出版社,1986:1) 所有以上的表述都是从某个角度对翻译进行的定义,可借鉴来让我们更全面地了解翻译的性质。 翻译工作作为一种脑力劳动,其目的是将文学、科学方面的材料从一种语言译成另一种语言,从事这一工作的人承担着由该工作性质产生的特殊义务。(Translation,being an intellectual activity, the object of which is the transfer of literary, scientific and technical texts from one language into another,imposes on those who practice it specific obligations inherent in its very ) 国际翻译工作者联合会翻译工作者宪章 (THE TRANSLATOR'S CHARTER of The International Federation of Translators) 翻译可以分为: 1、语内翻译:如:从古汉语已成现代汉语。 2、语际翻译:如:从英语译成汉语。 3、符际翻译:如:从体态语译成口语。 翻译的主体:译者 翻译的对象:科技文化信息 翻译的目的:交流 翻译的过程 翻译是一种语言活动,它包括理解和表达两个方面。理解是指对原文文本进行分析和彻底了解原文的意义,表达指以目的语再现在原文中理解的内容。翻译过程包括语言转化和文化交际,其复杂性和困难性难以一言蔽之。 表1 源语(语言和文化) 目的语 (语言和文化) (表层结构) (表层结构) 深层结构 分析/解码 转化 重构 /编码 翻译中主体与客体之间的关系 表2 原文作者 原作 译作读者 读者(译者) 译作 1) 句式分析 2) 语义分析 3) 语用分析 4) 语用合成 5) 语义合成 6) 句式合成 死扣原文的词汇、短语或语法结构进行词词对应的翻译永远难以行得通。译者必须以科学的方式彻底理解和准确表达。意即说,译者在着手翻译时,首先必须理解原文的内容和风格,然后才能通过灵活使用相应的规律和适当的方法,创造性地再现原文的真实,以使译文既具有可读性又具有忠实性。 * How are you? 怎么是你? * How old are you? 怎么老是你? *He stood up from the 他从椅子上站了起来。(他站了起来。) 翻译的原则 信、达、雅(严复)Faithfulness; Expressiveness; Elegance (Yan fu) 1898 年,严复在《天演论·译例言》中,明确提出“信、达、雅”乃“译事楷模”,并详加申说道:“译事三难信达雅。求其信已大难矣。顾信矣不达。虽译尤不译也。……” 信Faithfulness; ---to be faithful to the content of the original信于原文内容 达Expressiveness; ---to be as expressive as the original达与原文形式 切Closeness --- to be as close to the original style as 切合于原文的文体风格 (刘重德Liu Zhongde) 1935 年,鲁迅在《“题未定”草》( 1984 : 246 )里,也提出了自己对于翻译原则的结论性观点:“凡是翻译,必须兼顾着两面,一当然为求其解,一则保存着原作的丰姿。” 语际的意义转换不能是任意的,它必须遵循一定的规范,才能使翻译成为有意义的社会行为。翻译的标准,就是语际意义转换的规范性制约条件。刘宓庆:1990《现代翻译理论》 泰勒三原则(Alexander Fraser Tytler) 1791 年,第一本用英语撰写的系统研究翻译过程的著作《论翻译的原则》问世,作者泰特勒在书中提出了著名的翻译三原则: ①译文应完全复写出原作的思想。The translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original ②译文的风格和笔调应与原文的性质相同。The style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the ③译文应和原作同样的流畅。The translation should have the ease of the original 国际翻译工作者联合会翻译工作者宪章(THE TRANSLATOR'S CHARTER of The International Federation of Translators) 任何译文都应忠实于原意,准确表达原文的思想和形式,遵守这种忠实的原则是翻译工作者法律上与道德上的义务。Every translation shall be faithful and render exactly the idea and form of the original - this fidelity constituting both a moral and legal obligation for the 然而,正确的译文不应同逐字翻译混为一谈,因为翻译的忠实并不排除文字上的必要改变,以便使人能够用另一种语言在另一个国家体会到原作的形式、气氛及其内在含意。A faithful translation, however, should not be confused with a literal translation, the fidelity of a translation not excluding an adaptation to make the form, the atmosphere and deeper meaning of the work felt in another language and 作为职业的翻译 翻译的重要性(Importance of translation:): 翻译工作在当代世界被看作是一种经常、普遍和必不可少的活动形式;翻译工作能够使各国人民进行精神与物质上的交流,丰富各国人民的生活,促进人们之间的了解。(Translation has established itself as a permanent, universal and necessary activity in the world of today; that by making intellectual and material exchanges possible among nations it enriches their life and contributes to a better understanding amongst ) 翻译作为一种职业(Translation as a profession): 尽管从事翻译工作的环境各有不同,但当前必须把翻译工作看作是一种固定、独立的职业。(In spite of the various circumstances under which it is practised translation must now be recognized as a distinct and autonomous )
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