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Introductionprint Print document PDF list Cite link LinkLittle WomenLouisa May AlcottThe following entry presents criticism on Alcott's novel Little Women. See also Louisa May Alcott Nineteenth-Century Literary is now known as Little Women includes both the original work by that title and its sequel, Good Wives. Written by Louisa May Alcott in 1868 and 1869 respectively, together these works have been long established as primary within the canon of juvenile literature and are considered by many to be the first children's books in America to break with the didactic tradition. Alcott introduced realism and entertainment to American children's literature, thereby achieving commercial success unknown to her moralizing contemporaries. Little Women is still read worldwide May Alcott was born in Germantown, Pennsylvania in 1832, and raised in Concord, Massachusetts, and Boston. She was the second of four daughters of Abigail May Alcott and Amos Bronson Alcott, a Transcendentalist, educational reformer, and well-known writer. Louisa, though more commercially successful than her father, faced many obstacles to the literary career she envisioned for herself. As a woman writer, she was expected to write sentimental and moralizing tales, and in order to earn a living as a writer, she was expected to cater to the sensational cravings of her audience. Although she did both successfully until her death in 1888, many critics argue that with Little Women, Alcott countered sensationalism with realism and subverted the moralizing purpose she often appeared to and Major CharactersIn Part I, while Mr. March is away as a volunteer chaplain in the Civil War, the March girls, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy, embark on "pilgrimages" toward selfimprovement, with the inspiration of John Bunyan's religious allegory, The Pilgrim's Progress (1678). Their journeys, though, are largely determined by their own consciences and will rather than by dogma. Meg learns to overcome her vanity, Jo to overcome excessiveness and temper, Amy, greed and selfishness. Beth is already saintly and seems not to need change, but ironically, it is an act of charity—a visit to a sick infant—which results in the scarlet fever that weakens her health and precipitates her into this haven are neighbors Theodore Laurence (Laurie) and his grandfather, who are far from stock patriarchal figures; they are, rather, admirers who crave and aspire to the domestic peace enjoyed by the Marches. Laurie and Jo develop a close friendship that intrigued Alcott's readers, but she avoided the conventional romantic plot by refusing to have them marry. Jo, an unconventional girl who thinks of herself as the "man of the house" while her father is away, is more interested in developing her art and financially supporting her family than II of Little Women, originally published separately as Good Wives, focuses on the girls' transitions into adulthood. Meg marries John Brooke, Laurie's tutor—a financially difficult but happy match. Amy loses some of her passion for art and marries Laurie after he has been refused by Jo and has recovered from the blow. Beth dies before she can reach adulthood, but her loss inspires Jo to take up her domestic role. Jo eventually marries Professor Bhaer, a middle-aged academic with whom she shares philosophical interests. They open a boys' school, where she, no longer a tomboy, becomes a mother-figure for the ThemesAlcott's earlier work, often published under the pseudonym A. M. Barnard, is generally characterized by sensational characters and plots, violence, melodrama, and romance—all consistent with the expectations of her readers. When asked to write a "girl's book," Alcott was yet again forced to write according to others' interests, but in this case she opted for more realism than sensationalism by choosing the only girl-hood she knew for her subject—her own. Based on her life, and that of her sisters, Anna, Elizabeth, and May, Little Women follows the adolescence of the girls into adulthood, captures their private, domestic experience concretely, delineates their matriarchal haven of comfort and frugality, dramatizes their creative play, and explores their struggles to become artists, good sisters, and eventually happy wives. Although the culture of her time demanded that Alcott produce moralizing tales, she displayed a certain amount of resistance to that mandate in Little Women, preaching moderation rather than excessive religious molding. The girls are guided less by rigid moral strictures than by their strong sense of family, sometimes conveyed by words of wisdom from mother Marmee, but more often by a need to get along as a sisterly community. In part II this theme of sisterly love expands to include marriage and the formation of new families, with new roles for the three surviving sisters as good wives. Self-improvement, social responsibility, domestic cooperation, and matriarchal power, as well as the importance of play and artistic development, all serve as prominent themes in Little ReceptionThe influence of Little Women has been vast, but historically limited to a female readership. Early critics received the novel with sentimental praise and an appreciation of Alcott's ability to meet the minds of her child readers, a view shared by Angela Brazil in her 1922 review. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Alcott was appreciated, like many American women writers, as merely a local colorist with a talent for portraying the domestic sphere concretely. In academia, her novel was studied only by the scholars of children's literature until the 1960s and 1970s, when it came under closer scrutiny by feminist critics, some of whom were frustrated with its outdated sentimentality, others of whom dismissed it because it seems to uphold the traditional separation of men's and women's spheres (public vs. private). In the 1980s, the new emphasis on expanding the canon to include marginalized writers and works associated with popular culture brought more attention to Little Women. It has achieved importance within Women's Studies and the American literary canon in general for its detailed descriptions of nineteenth-century family life and of female struggles for social identity. As Carolyn Heilbrun suggests, Little Women has been particularly influential on female readers in the twentieth century who, craving models of female autonomy, found one, at least briefly, in Alcott's character Jo. Recent critics have continued in this positive vein, calling further attention to the subversive elements in Little Women, recasting Jo as an early feminist who, like her creator, made the most of the limited possibilities open to women in her time.希望对楼主有帮助, 不满意请留言

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第三遍读《简爱》 ——从女性主义的角度来看简爱的形象算是第三遍读《简爱》,这个故事,任何稍微读过点书的女生都对这个故事熟悉并且津津乐道。我曾经极度认真的把其中的那句:“你以为我贫穷,卑微,不美,你就以为我没有灵魂没有心了吗......”郑重其事的抄在一个本子的首页,我今天看到这段话还会想起当初的认真态度,简单执挠的认为自己的重要。我的一个同学喜欢《简爱》,她有《简爱》的不同三个译本,她说,女人就应该活得想简爱那样,并且想着要找一个像罗切斯特那样的男人。我当初对于简爱的喜爱就跟这个同学的推荐不无关系。之所以认为她是一部好的小说,并且也认为:我们就应该像简爱那样生活。毕竟,在这个世界上,有钱的姑娘肯定不是多数,漂亮美丽的也只是那么多姑娘中的一部分,有财有貌又有才的更是少之又少,所以,我们都是简爱那样平凡的姑娘,所以我们都应该像简爱。当时,我像模像样的买了《简爱》的书,把它包的整整齐齐的来看。隔了多年来看,我想,《简爱》,也就是一本简单的小说和一个不现实的童话式的爱情故事。它过于完满和过于天真。其中,她教会女生怎么学会幻想,却难得自省,虽然,它多么的在强调着作为一个女性,她应该如何保持自我和尊严。《简爱》是这样一个故事,穷苦人家父母双亡的女孩子,被送给舅妈家养大,然而得不到一点爱,然后被送到一个教会学校长大,然后到一个有钱人家当家庭教师,爱上古堡的男主人,并且爱情的到成全,有了完满的结果。在十九世纪,女性写作开始展露头角。而在之前,女性的写作基本上是缺席的。在世界文坛上,只有少数的女性有简单的诗歌或者是一些书信体的作品流世。十九世纪,勃朗特三姐妹,简.奥斯丁等等一批女性作家开始用小说体写作。女性写作进入了一个全新的时期。然而这个时候,女性的写作仍然处于一个极低的不被承认的地位,《简爱》最初也是用一个男性化名发表的。这个时候,女性主义开始兴起,越来越多的女性开始参与到这个潮流中,为女性的地位寻求得到同男性一样的地位。而《简爱》也从不同的角度被人用女性主义来解读。今天,我也从女性主义的一个方面来看《简爱》。与女性主义:这本产生于女性主义前期的小说被认为带有明显的女性主义的特征,女作者,女主角,其中女性形象不再是有男性创作出来符合男性要求的理想的欲望体,而是女性自己创造的在争取着自由独立精神的女性。这部作品中的女主角,简爱,是一个具有独立思考,争取自由和平等的女人,特别是爱的平等。她反映了女性的自我意识的觉醒,女性开始在谋求自身的幸福,把自己当成自己的主体,不再是附属于男权的一个形象。但是当我们用女性主义来分析的时候,我们可以有这些发现:从简的性格表现来说,她有许多令人不舒服的地方,简爱的形象,是一个理想的女性形象,她仍然是按照男性对于女性的需求形象来塑造的。而这个故事的结局,更是大大的削减了其中为止争取的平等。这部作品,不论是从女性主义的立场还是从小说的精神境界来说,是一部难得使女性自省的作品,它并没有着眼于社会对女性的现实的不平等和女性自身的现实来描写。她写的,不过是一个处处需要维护自身尊严和小心翼翼的女性。拥有严重的自卑和自恋情节。女性情节明显,即是把女性塑造得完美纯洁,符合社会对完美女性的要求,并且,给小说中的女性一个完整而完美的结局。其中的女性她有着诸多的美德和才华,有爱,有情,是你不得不爱的形象。女性主义对女性自身的要求和社会的要求是要正视女性自身的现实情况和要求社会给女性同男性一样的地位,并且女性的形象应该成为自己的欲望主体,而不再是男性的欲望客体。是按女性自身的需求来塑造人物,而不是按照男性的要求来塑造人物。但是书中的简爱,显然符合任何一个男性对女性的要求,虽然她书中一直强调的是,她不美平凡矮小,但这些都被掩盖在她完美的性格之下,她从小在不光明的环境中长大,舅妈家的冷漠和无情,寄宿学校的严苛环境,使她长成一个坚韧的小妇人形象,自尊,坚强,气度不凡,她懂得别人的需要,知道什么时候出现和退出。她符合的是一个男人对于小家碧玉的要求,无所求和懂得适时适当的爱。不单是男主角,我想,任何男性都会喜欢和爱上这样一个形象,并且这个形象是遭女性嫉妒和爱慕的。大多数女性平凡和贫乏,但不是每个人都有那么好的结局,得到完美的爱情,得到尊重,得到财富。而最削减这部作品的女性价值或者直接就是文学价值的部分就是她完美的结局,我不否认我对于悲剧的迷恋,但是我同时非常我喜欢的一个角色能够得到一个好的下场,一个令人微笑安心的结局。我更希望我希望的主角得到一个合理的和有助于欣赏一部作品的结局。而书中,简爱最后得到了一笔丰厚的遗产,拥有了能够和她相亲相爱的亲人。她不再是一无所有,而男主角却变得一无所有了。而作者到这个时候才来给爱情收尾。诚然,这样来说一个好的地方是,女主角爱上男主角,绝不仅仅是因为他的地位财富声望,她爱的是他的这个人。然而这样,开始时候就大篇幅铺垫的女主角要追求的在不平等的地位下平等的爱情感的荡然无存,女主角的自卑终于可以释放,她和他是平等的,不仅是爱情上的平等,而且财富地位上,她们是一样平等的。而且这个时候,男主角失去了一切,财富,健康,年龄,位置颠倒过来了。这部作品被当作一部半自传式的作品,作者艾略特是一个普通家庭的孩子,多次当过家庭教师的经历。并且一直寻求着自身地位的改变。她要写的是一部“受欢迎的,比你们(她的妹妹们)任何的作品都受欢迎的作品”。所以这部作品的主角更是像是一个讨好读者的形象。作者的自卑情结:毫无疑问,简爱是自卑的,自卑的人才要出处维护尊严,处处体现尊严。她是顾忌的,也是客气的。她在小时候的环境中敢于同姨妈针锋相对,敢于反抗表兄的欺负,敢于对学校里不人道不公正的做法反抗。而长大后的简爱,却把这种反抗变成了自知,她成为一个知书达理的,懂得怎么样取悦他人的人。在菲尔德庄园,他要取悦管家,她的小小的学生,她的主人,而且这些她做的一点不差。并且懂得怎么样在这种情况下维护好自己的尊严。同时,这又是自恋的。自恋的女性作品中的女性,能够得到所有男人的爱,同时也得到女人的爱。女性不再是被损害的对象,而变成了承载女性和男性幻想的作品,这些作品中的女性是美丽的,智慧的,通常还是温柔的善解人意的。对男主角的必杀技是温柔体贴加上适当的小性感。男人对她们都是见光死,义无反顾的成为她们的裙下臣。《简爱》毫无疑问有这种自恋倾向,她自卑,同时自恋。她知道自己美,美在那里,并且适当的利用这种美丽。得到大家的好感,而她对别人的眼光其实是恶毒的,舅妈家一家人固然没有什么值得留恋的,暴躁凶横的表哥,白痴无脑的表妹。,无爱心的舅妈。她的学生阿黛勒是一个不慎聪明的会讨人欢心的小玩意,头脑简单的女管家,可笑的约翰表哥,还有那个为人刻薄的英格拉姆小姐一家。在书中,简爱适当的利用了自己的才华和光彩,来对比其他人的苍白,她及变成一个有灵魂的小妇人。自恋,所以得到完满,作品中,没有一个人是完美的,只有她,劣势也变成优势,压倒一切也得到一切。当我试图用女性主义的一些观点来分析的时候,简爱是这样一部作品。她和女性主义的一些源头有关,但她远远达不到女性主义作品的要求,同时,她也不是一部好小说。好小说的意境,特别是哥特式小说所需要的诡谲气氛和神秘变幻的氛围也荡然无存。这部作品,艺术成就上被《呼啸山庄》远远抛下,成为一部通俗小说。真的很像通俗小说,拥有无树的读者,只要稍微读过点书的人都读过,并且得到追捧。塑造了千万女性幻想成为的女性形象,并且也塑造了男性喜欢的女性形象,这就是这部小说在今天我来看所具有的价值。它的地位,被抬的太高,使看小说的人都无法回避,事实上,有更多的好的小说,纯粹的小说值得我们去读。而且这个形象,也成为许多女性对自身状况无法正视的一个阻碍。以为只要保有自尊自爱就能得到一切。其实不是,女性主义兴起一百多年到今天仍然面临着许多的问题。女性不需要的是幻想而是自省,而这,恰恰是这部作品所达不到的。==================================================================我对楼主说的话:关于简爱的论文 百度知道上就能搜出许多 相信你也能看到学术研究到什么程度这个问题你得自己查啊!!到学校学术期刊数据库去搜索啊!在网上查的资料都是非常有限的!刚帮你搜了一下,万方数据库就有,可是校外网看不到呀开题报告你得写清楚,学术界做这个研究,目前有多少篇论文,多少本学术专著,主要从哪些方面切入。你相较于学术界的研究,有那些创新点。姑娘,这样做毕业论文可不行吖!快打起精神来好好读书好好看资料~!加

105 评论


这部小说[2]以家庭生活为描写对象,以家庭成员的感情纠葛为线索,描写了马奇一家的天伦之爱。马奇家的四姐妹中,无论是为了爱情甘于贫困的梅格,还是通过自己奋斗成为作家的乔,以及坦然面对死亡的贝思和以扶弱为己任的艾美,虽然她们的理想和命运都不尽相同,但是她们都具有自强自立的共同特点。描写了她们对家庭的眷恋;对爱的忠诚以及对亲情的渴望。 小妇人所有时代的少女成长过程中所要面对与经历的,都可以在这本书中找到:初恋的甜蜜和烦恼,感情与理智的差异,理想和现实的距离,贫穷与富有的矛盾。《小妇人》故事情节简单真实,却感人至深,问世一百多年以来,多次被搬上银幕,并被译成各种文字,成为世界文学宝库中的经典名作。书中描写的种种情感体验和生活经历,都曾经、正在并将要发生在每一个少女走向成熟的过程之中;书中提倡善良、忠诚、无私、慷慨、尊严、宽容、坚韧、勇敢、亦是人类永远尊崇和追求的美德和信仰。所有这些,赋予这本书超越时代和国度的生命力,这也正是她成为不朽的经典的魅力和原因所在。

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