江苏省联合职业技术学院常州旅游商贸分院专科毕业论文 基于51单片机及DS18B20温度传感器的数字温度计设计 姓 名:(××××××××3号黑体)学 号:(××××××××3号黑体)班 级:(联院班级号×××3号黑体)专 业:(××××××××3号黑体)指导教师:(××××××××3号黑体)系 部:创意信息系××××3号黑体)二〇二0年××月××日摘 要本设计采用的主控芯片是ATMEL公司的AT89S52单片机,数字温度传感器是DALLAS公司的DS18B20。本设计用数字传感器DS18B20测量温度,测量精度高,传感器体积小,使用方便。所以本次设计的数字温度计在工业、农业、日常生活中都有广泛的应用。单片机技术已经广泛应用社会生活的各个领域,已经成为一种非常实用的技术。51单片机是最常用的一种单片机,而且在高校中都以51单片机教材为蓝本,这使得51单片机成为初学单片机技术人员的首选。本次设计采用的AT89S52是一种flash型单片机,可以直接在线编程,向单片机中写程序变得更加容易。本次设计的数字温度计采用的是DS18B20数字温度传感器,DS18B20是一种可组网的高精度数字式温度传感器,由于其具有单总线的独特优点,可以使用户轻松地组建起传感器网络,并可使多点温度测量电路变得简单、可靠。本设计根据设计要求,首先设计了硬件电路,然后绘制软件流程图及编写程序。本设计属于一种多功能温度计,温度测量范围是-55℃到125℃。温度值的分辨率可以被用户设定为9-12位,可以设置上下限报警温度,当温度不在设定的范围内时,就会启动报警程序报警。本设计的显示模块是用四位一体的数码管动态扫描显示实现的。在显示实时测量温度的模式下还可以通过查询按键查看设定的上下限报警温度。 关键词:单片机、数字温度计、DS18B20、AT89S52目 录 1 引言 12 系统总体方案及硬件设计 系统总体方案 系统总体设计框图 各模块简介 系统硬件设计 单片机电路设计 DS18B20温度传感器电路设计 显示电路设计 按键电路设计 报警电路设计 83 软件设计 DS18B20程序设计 DS18B20传感器操作流程 DS18B20传感器的指令表 DS18B20传感器的初始化时序 DS18B20传感器的读写时序 DS18B20获取温度程序流程图 显示程序设计 按键程序设计 134实物制作及调试 145电子综合设计体会 15参考文献 161 引言本系统所设计的数字温度计采用的是DS18B20数字温度传感器测温,DS18B20直接输出的就是数字信号,与传统的温度计相比,具有读数方便,测温范围广,测温准确,上下限报警功能。其输出温度采用LED数码管显示,主要用于对测温比较准确的场所。该设计控制器使用的是51单片机AT89S52,AT89S52单片机在工控、测量、仪器仪表中应用还是比较广泛的。测温传感器使用的是DS18B20,DS18B20是一种可组网的高精度数字式温度传感器,由于其具有单总线的独特优点,可以使用户轻松地组建起传感器网络,并可使多点温度测量电路变得简单、可靠。显示是用4位共阴极LED数码管实现温度显示,LED数码管的优点是显示数字比较大,查看方便。蜂鸣器用来实现当测量温度超过设定的上下限时的报警功能。2 系统总体方案及硬件设计 系统总体方案系统总体设计框图由于DS18B20数字温度传感器具有单总线的独特优点,可以使用户轻松地组建起传感器网络,并可使多点温度测量电路变得简单、可靠,所以在该设计中采用DS18B20数字温度传感器测量温度。 温度计电路设计总体设计框图如图2-1所示,控制器采用单片机AT89S52,温度传感器采用DS18B20,显示采用4位LED数码管,报警采用蜂鸣器、LED灯实现,键盘用来设定报警上下限温度。 图2-1 温度计电路总体设计框图各模块简介1.控制模块AT89S52单片机是美国ATMEL公司生产的低功耗,高性能CMOS 8位单片机,片内含有8kb的可系统编程的Flash只读程序存储器,器件采用ATMEL公司的高密度、非易失性存储技术生产,兼容标准8051指令系统及引脚。在单芯片上,拥有灵巧的8 位CPU 和在系统可编程的Flash,使得AT89S52为众多嵌入式控制应用系统提供高灵活、超有效的解决方案。AT89S52具有以下标准功能:8k字节Flash,256字节RAM,32 位I/O 口线,看门狗定时器,2 个数据指针,三个16 位定时器/计数器,一个6向量2级中断结构,全双工串行口,片内晶振及时钟电路。另外,AT89S52 可降至0Hz 静态逻辑操作,支持2种软件可选择节电模式。空闲模式下,CPU停止工作,允许RAM、定时器/计数器、串口、中断继续工作。掉电保护方式下,RAM内容被保存,振荡器被冻结,单片机一切工作停止,直到下一个中断或硬件复位为止。2.显示模块显示电路采用4位共阴LED数码管,从P0口输出段码,P2口的高四位为位选端。用动态扫描的方式进行显示,这样能有效节省I/O口。3.温度传感器模块DS18B20温度传感器是美国DALLAS半导体公司最新推出的一种改进型智能温度传感器,与传统的热敏电阻等测温元件相比,它能直接读出被测温度,并且可根据实际要求通过简单的编程实现9~12位的数字值读数方式。DS18B20的性能特点如下:独特的单线接口仅需要一个端口引脚进行通信;多个DS18B20可以并联在惟一的三线上,实现多点组网功能;无须外部器件;可通过数据线供电,电压范围为~;零待机功耗;温度以9或12位二进制数字表示;用户可定义报警设置;报警搜索命令识别并标志超过程序限定温度(温度报警条件)的器件;负电压特性,电源极性接反时,温度计不会因发热而烧毁,但不能正常工作;DS18B20采用3脚TO-92封装或8脚SO或µSOP封装,其其封装形式如图2-2所示。图2-2 DS18B20的封装形式DS18B20的64位ROM的结构开始8位是产品类型的编号,接着是每个器件的惟一的序号,共有48位,最后8位是前面56位的CRC检验码,这也是多个DS18B20可以采用一线进行通信的原因。温度报警触发器TH和TL,可通过软件写入户报警上下限。DS18B20温度传感器的内部存储器还包括一个高速暂存RAM和一个非易失性的可电擦除的EEPRAM。高速暂存RAM的结构为8字节的存储器,结构如图2-3所示。图2-3 DS18B20的高速暂存RAM的结构头2个字节包含测得的温度信息,第3和第4字节TH和TL的拷贝是易失的,每次上电复位时被刷新。第5个字节,为配置寄存器,它的内容用于确定温度值的数字转换分辨率,DS18B20工作时寄存器中的分辨率转换为相应精度的温度数值,该字节各位的定义如表2-1所示。表2-1:配置寄存器D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0TM R1 R0 1 1 1 1 1配置寄存器的低5位一直为1,TM是工作模式位,用于设置DS18B20在工作模式还是在测试模式,DS18B20出厂时该位被设置为0,用户要去改动,R1和R0决定温度转换的精度位数,来设置分辨率,“R1R0”为“00”是9位,“01”是10位,“10”是11位,“11”是12位。当DS18B20分辨率越高时,所需要的温度数据转换时间越长。因此,在实际应用中要将分辨率和转换时间权衡考虑。高速暂存RAM的第6、7、8字节保留未用,表现为全逻辑1。第9字节读出前面所有8字节的CRC码,可用来检验数据,从而保证通信数据的正确性。当DS18B20接收到温度转换命令后,开始启动转换。转换完成后的温度值就以16位带符号扩展的二进制补码形式存储在高速暂存存储器的第1、2字节。单片机可以通过单线接口读出该数据,读数据时低位在先,高位在后,数据格式以℃/LSB形式表示。当符号位s=0时,表示测得的温度值为正值,可以直接将二进制位转换为十进制;当符号位s=1时,表示测得的温度值为负值,要先将补码变成原码,再计算十进制数值。输出的二进制数的高5位是符号位,最后4位是温度小数点位,中间7位是温度整数位。表2-2是一部分温度值对应的二进制温度数据。表2-2 DS18B20输出的温度值温度值 二进制输出 十六进制输出+125℃ 0000 07D0h+85℃ 0000 0550h+℃ 0001 0191h+℃ 0010 00A2h+℃ 1000 0008h0℃ 0000 ℃ 1000 ℃ 1110 ℃ 1111 FF6Fh-55℃ 0000 FC90hDS18B20完成温度转换后,就把测得的温度值与RAM中的TH、TL字节内容作比较。若T>TH或T<TL,则将该器件内的报警标志位置位,并对主机发出的报警搜索命令作出响应。因此,可用多只DS18B20同时测量温度并进行报警搜索。在64位ROM的最高有效字节中存储有循环冗余检验码(CRC)。主机ROM的前56位来计算CRC值,并和存入DS18B20的CRC值作比较,以判断主机收到的ROM数据是否正确。4.调节模块介绍调节模块是由四个按键接地后直接接单片机的I/O口完成的。当按键没有按下时单片机管脚相当于悬空,默认下为高电平,当按键按下时相当于把单片机的管脚直接接地,此时为低电平。程序设计为低电平触发。5.报警模块介绍报警模块是由一个PNP型的三极管9012驱动的5V蜂鸣器,和一个加一限流电阻的发光二极管组成的。报警时蜂鸣器间歇性报警,发光二极管闪烁。 系统硬件设计 单片机电路设计 图2-4 单片机最小系统原理图单片机最小系统是由晶振电路,上电复位、按键复位电路,ISP下载接口和电源指示灯组成。原理图如图2-4所示。 DS18B20温度传感器电路设计DS18B20温度传感器是单总线器件与单片机的接口电路采用电源供电方。电源供电方式如图2-7,此时DS18B20的1脚接地,2脚作为信号线,3脚接电源。 图2-7 DS18B20电源供电方式当DS18B20处于写存储器操作和温度A/D转换操作时,总线上必须有强的上拉,上拉开启时间最大为10us。采用寄生电源供电方式时VDD端接地。由于单线制只有一根线,因此发送接口必须是三态的。 显示电路设计显示电路是由四位一体的共阴数码管进行显示的,数码管由三极管9013驱动。四位一体的共阴数码管的管脚分布图如图2-5所示。 图2-5 四位一体的共阴数码管管脚分布图显示电路的总体设计如图2-6所示。 图2-6 显示电路 按键电路设计按键电路是用来实现调节设定报警温度的上下限和查看上下报警温度的功能。电路原理图如图2-10所示。 图2-10 按键电路原理图 报警电路设计报警电路是在测量温度大于上限或小于下限时提供报警功能的电路。该电路是由一个蜂鸣器和一个红色的发光二极管组成,具体的电路如图2-9所示。 图2-9 报警电路原理图3 软件设计 DS18B20程序设计 DS18B20传感器操作流程根据DS18B20的通讯协议,主机(单片机)控制DS18B20完成温度转换必须经过三个步骤:• 每一次读写之前都要对DS18B20进行复位操作• 复位成功后发送一条ROM指令• 最后发送RAM指令这样才能对DS18B20进行预定的操作。复位要求主CPU将数据线下拉500μs,然后释放,当DS18B20收到信号后等待16~60μs左右,后发出60~240μs的存在低脉冲,主CPU收到此信号表示复位成功。DS18B20的操作流程如图3-1所示。 如图3-1 DS18B20的操作流程 DS18B20传感器的指令表DS18B20传感器的操作指令如表3-1所示。传感器复位后向传感器写相应的命令才能实现相应的功能。表3-1 DS18B20的指令表指 令 指令代码 功 能读ROM 0x33 读DS1820温度传感器ROM中的编码(即64位地址)符合 ROM 0x55 发出此命令之后,接着发出 64 位 ROM 编码,访问单总线上与该编码相对应的 DS1820 使之作出响应,为下一步对该 DS1820 的读写作准备。搜索 ROM 0xF0 用于确定挂接在同一总线上 DS1820 的个数和识别 64 位 ROM 地址。为操作各器件作好准备。跳过 ROM 0xCC 忽略 64 位 ROM 地址,直接向 DS1820 发温度变换命令。适用于单片工作。告警搜索命令 0xEC 执行后只有温度超过设定值上限或下限的片子才做出响应。温度变换 0x44 启动DS1820进行温度转换,12位转换时最长为750ms(9位为)。结果存入内部9字节RAM中。读暂存器 0xBE 读内部RAM中9字节的内容写暂存器 0x4E 发出向内部RAM的3、4字节写上、下限温度数据命令,紧跟该命令之后,是传送两字节的数据。复制暂存器 0x48 将RAM中第3 、4字节的内容复制到EEPROM中。重调 EEPROM 0xB8 将EEPROM中内容恢复到RAM中的第3 、4字节。读供电方式 0xB4 读DS1820的供电模式。寄生供电时DS1820发送“ 0 ”,外接电源供电 DS1820发送“ 1 ”。 DS18B20传感器的初始化时序DS18B20传感器为单总线结构器件,在读写操作之前,传感器芯片应先进性复位操作也就是初始化操作。DS18B20的初始化时序如图3-2所示。首先控制器拉高数据总线,接着控制器给数据总线一低电平,延时480μs,控制器拉高数据总线,等待传感器给数据线一个60-240μs的低电平,接着上拉电阻将数据线拉高,这样才初始化完成。 图3-2 DS18B20初始化时序 DS18B20传感器的读写时序 1.写时序DS18B20传感器的读写操作是在传感器初始化后进行的。每次操作只能读写一位。当主机把数据线从高电平拉至低电平,产生写时序。有两种类型的写时序:写“0”时序,写“1”时序。所有的时序必须有最短60μs的持续期,在各个写周期之间必须有最短1μs的恢复期。在数据总线由高电平变为低电平之后,DS18B20在15μs至60μs的时间间隙对总线采样,如果为“1”则向DS18B20写“1”, 如果为“0”则向DS18B20写“0”。如图3-2的上半部分。对于主机产生写“1”时序时,数据线必须先被拉至低电平,然后被释放,使数据线在写时序开始之后15μs内拉至高电平。对于主机产生写“1”时序时,数据线必须先被拉至低电平,且至少保持低电平60μs。2.读时序在数据总线由高电平变为低电平之后,数据线至少应保持低电平1μs,来自DS18B20的输出的数据在下降沿15μs后有效,所以在数据线保持低电平1μs之后,主机将数据线拉高,等待来自DS18B20的数据变化,在下降沿15μs之后便可开始读取DS18B20的输出数据。整个读时序必须有最短60μs的持续期。如图3-2的下半部分。读时序结束后数据线由上拉电阻拉至高电平。 图3-3 DS18B20传感器的读写时序 DS18B20获取温度程序流程图DS18B20的读字节,写字节,获取温度的程序流程图如图3-3所示。图3-4 DS18B20程序流程图 显示程序设计显示电路是由四位一体的数码管来实现的。由于单片机的I/O口有限,所以数码管采用动态扫描的方式来进行显示。程序流程图如图3-4所示。图3-5 显示程序流程图 按键程序设计按键是用来设定上下限报警温度的。具体的程序流程图如图3-5所示。图3-6 按键程序流程图4实物制作及调试制作好的实物如图4-1所示。 图4-1 数字温度计实物正面图在做实物时出现了不少问题。比如本来是采用NPN型9013驱动蜂鸣器,但是在实际调试中蜂鸣器驱动不了,经多次试验,在三极管的基极电阻与单片机的接口处接一个1、2kΩ的上拉电阻就能驱动了。但考虑到单片机的I/O口默认状态时为高电平,这样一上电蜂鸣器就会响,所以将NPN型9013换成了PNP型的9012三极管,效果还不错。5电子综合设计体会经过将近一个月的设计、焊接、编程、调试,我们终于完成了数字温度计的设计,基本能够达到设计要求,而且还设计了一些其他功能,比可以开启或消除按键音功能,开机动画功能,查看报警上下限温度功能。此次的设计使我从中学到了一些很重要的东西,那就是如何从理论到实践的转化,怎样将我们所学到的知识运用到实践中去。在大学课堂的学习只是给我们灌输专业知识,而我们应把所学的知识应用到我们现实的生活中去。这次的设计不仅使我们将课堂上学到的理论知识与实际应用结合了起来,而且使我们对电子电路、电子元器件、印制电路板等方面的知识有了更进一步的认识,同时在软件编程、焊板调试、相关调试仪器的使用等方面得到较全面的锻炼和提高,为今后能够独立进行某些单片机应用系统的开发设计工作打下一定的基础。此次单片机设计也为我们以后进行更复杂的单片机系统设计提供了宝贵的经验。在本次设计的过程中,我们遇到不少的问题,刚开始焊好的板子下不进去程序,经过一再仔细的检查,才发现是在下载口处出了问题,由于焊盘口比较小,排针插不进去,最后使了很大力气才插进去,插进去后才发现坏了,结果在去排针的时候把焊盘给去下来了,最后只能在旁边将下载口引了出来。还有就是文章中提到的蜂鸣器驱动问题等等。经过此次的硬件制作与调试,锻炼了我们的动手实践能了。本次设计的另一个重点就是软件程序的设计,其中需要有很巧妙的程序算法,虽然以前写过几次程序,但我觉的写好一个程序并不是一件简单的事,有好多的东西,只有我们去试着做了,才能真正的掌握,只学习理论,有些东西是很难理解的,更谈不上掌握。通过此次的综合设计,我们初步掌握了单片机系统设计的基本原理。充分认识到理论学习与实践相结合的重要性,对于书本上的很多知识,不但要学会,更重要的是会运用到实践中去。在以后的学习中,我们会更加注重实践方面的锻炼,多提高自己的动手实践能力。参考文献[1] 谭浩强.C程序设计(第三版).北京:清华大学出版社, .[2] 余发山,王福忠.单片机原理与应用技术.徐州:中国矿业大学出版社, .[3] 求是科技.单片机典型模块设计实例导航.北京:人民邮电出版社, .[4] 求是科技.8051系列单片机C程序设计完全手册.北京:人民邮电出版社, .[5] 于永,戴佳,刘波.51单片机C语言常用模块与综合系统设计实例精讲(第2版).北京:电子工业出版社, .[6]刘腾远.基于单片机的温度控制系统设计[J].科技经济导刊,2018(01):77-78.[7]苏康友.基于51单片机的无线温度控制系统设计[J].电子技术与软件工程,2017(10):250-251.[8]刘丰年.基于AT89C51的简易智能化加湿器设计[J].三门峡职业技术学院学报,2016,15(04):139-142.[9]杨伟才.基于DS18B20的多点温度测量系统研究[J].山东工业技术,2016(24):266.[10]严敏.基于单片机的智能温控系统的设计与实现[J].无锡职业技术学院学报,2016,15(03):61-64.[11]吴嘉颖. 基于单片机的地铁低压设备触点温度监测系统的设计与实现[D].西南交通大学,2017.[12]孙晓倩.基于51单片机的温度监测报警系统设计研究[J].赤峰学院学报(自然科学版),2015,31(24):24-26.[13]仲霞.基于DS18B20的多点温度测量系统探讨[J].山东工业技术,2015(22):156.[14]吕晓磊.基于单片机智能控温的仿真与设计[J].安徽电子信息职业技术学院学报,2015,14(03):34-37.[15]贺争汉.基于51单片机的温度控制系统[J].黑龙江科技信息,2015(16):145.[16]谭虹.智能型滑雪保温鞋温控系统的设计与实现[J].体育世界(学术版),2014(11):19-20.[17]王云飞.DS18B20温度传感器的应用设计[J].电子世界,2014(12):355.[18]刘金魁.基于DS18B20的数字测温系统[J].焦作大学学报,2014,28(02):99-100.[19]杨丹丹,杨风,马慧卿.基于单片机的温度采集系统设计[J].山西电子技术,2014(03):19-21.[20]曹美霞.单片机与数字温度传感器DS18B20的接口设计[J].电子制作,2014(11):9-10.
加湿器 Humidifier A humidifier is a household appliance that increases humidity (moisture) in a single room or in the entire home. There are point-of-use humidifiers, which are commonly used to humidify a single room, and whole-house or furnace humidifiers, which connect to a home's HVAC system to provide humidity to the entire humidifiersThe most common humidifier, an "evaporative" or "wick humidifier", consists of just a few basic parts: a reservoir, wick and are common to most humidifiers and come in different shapes and sizes. The reservoir is a containing tank of water filled prior to operation, and provides the water for the moisture output. Other types have a continuous feed from a water wick is a filter that absorbs water from the reservoir. Evaporation of water from the wick is dependent on relative humidity. A room with low humidity will have a higher evaporation rate compared to a room with high humidity. Therefore, this type of humidifier is self-regulating: As the humidity of the room increases, the water vapor output naturally decreases. These wicks regularly need cleaning and replacement — if this does not happen, the humidifier stops humidifying the area it is in and the water in the tank remains at the same fan is adjacent to the wick and blows air onto the wick, thus aiding in the evaporation of the water within the wick.[edit] Other types of humidifiersOther types of humidifiers include:Vaporizer (Steam Humidifier) (Warm Mist Humidifier) — Boils water, releasing steam and moisture into the air. A medicated inhalant can also be added to the steam vapor to help reduce coughs. Vaporizers are more healthful[1] than cool mist types of humidifiers because steam is sterile and free from minerals. Vaporizers use more electricity to boil the water. Impeller Humidifier (Cool Mist Humidifier) — A rotating disc flings water at a diffuser, which breaks the water into fine droplets that float into the air. Ultrasonic Humidifier — A metal diaphragm vibrating at an ultrasonic frequency creates water droplets that exit the humidifier in the form of a cool fog silently. Ultrasonic Humidifiers should be cleaned regularly to avoid bacterial contamination which may be projected into the air. Impeller and ultrasonic humidifiers do not selectively put water in the air, they also add any suspended material in the water to the air such as microorganisms and minerals. The amount of minerals and other materials can be greatly reduced by using distilled water, though no water is absolutely pure. Filters may also reduce the amount of material but the EPA warns, "the ability of these devices to remove minerals may vary widely."[2] Depending on the volume, this dust may have negative health effects. Wick humidifiers trap the mineral deposits in the HumidifiersFor buildings with a forced-air furnace, a humidifier may be built right into the furnace. They can also protect wooden objects, antiques and other furnishings which may be sensitive to damage from overly dry air. In colder months, they may provide substantial energy savings, since as humidity increases, occupants feel warm at a lower temperature. These units are typically called bypass humidifiers (because they are connected between the heated and cold air return ducts, using the pressure difference between these ducts to cause some heated air to make a bypass through the humidifier and return to the furnace). The humidifier should usually be disabled during the summer months if air conditioning is used; air conditioners partially function by reducing indoor humidity. There are three basic styles:Drum style: A pipe brings water directly to a reservoir (a pan) attached to the furnace. The water level in the pan is controlled by a float valve, similar to a small toilet tank float. The wick is typically a foam pad mounted on a drum and attached to a small motor; hot air enters the drum at one end and is forced to leave through the sides of the drum. When the hygrostat calls for humidity, the motor is turned on causing the drum to rotate slowly through the pan of water and preventing the foam pad from drying out. Advantages include: Low cost Inexpensive maintenance (drum-style pads are cheap and readily available)[citation needed] Disadvantages include: Requirement for frequent (approximately monthly) inspections of cleanliness and pad condition Water evaporation even when humidification is not required (due to the pan of water which remains exposed to a high velocity air stream) Mold growth in the pan full of water (this problem is exacerbated by the large quantity of air, inevitably carrying mold spores, passing through the humidifier whether in use or not). For the latter reason especially, drum-style humidifiers should always be turned off at the water supply during summer (air conditioning) months, and should always be used with high quality furnace air filters (MERV ratings as high as possible to ensure small numbers of mold spores reaching the humidifier's pan) when the water supply is turned Wheel Style: Very similar in design to the drum style humidifiers, this type of furnace humidifier replaces the foam drum with a number of plastic discs with small grooves on both sides. This allows for a very large evaporative surface area, without requiring a great deal of space. Unlike the drum style humidifiers, the disc wheel does not need replacing.[1] Advantages include: Very low maintenance (basin of humidifier should be cleaned out periodically, unless automatic flushing device is installed) No regular replacement of parts necessary Higher output due to large evaporative surface area Can be installed in hard water situations Maintains efficiency throughout lifespan Disadvantages include: Higher price Water evaporation even when humidification is not required (due to the pan of water which remains exposed to a high velocity air stream) Flow-Through Style (also known as "biscuit style" or many other, similar variant names): A pipe brings water directly to an electrically-controlled valve at the top of the humidifier. Air passes through an aluminum "biscuit" (often called a pad; using the term "biscuit" to emphasize the solid rather than foamy form) which is similar to a piece of extremely coarse steel wool. The biscuit has a coating of a matte ceramic, resulting in an extremely large surface area within a small space. When the hygrostat calls for humidity, the valve is opened and causes a spray of water onto the biscuit. Hot air is passed through the biscuit, causing the water to evaporate from the pad and be carried into the building. Advantages include: Reduced maintenance (new biscuit only when clogged with dust or mineral deposits, typically once per year) Lack of a pan of potentially stagnant water to serve as a breeding ground for mold as with a drum-style humidifier No incidental humidification caused by a constantly-replenished pan of water in a high velocity air stream Reduced requirement for expensive air filters Uses no electricity Disadvantages include: A somewhat higher purchase price Manufacturer and model-specific replacement biscuits versus the relatively generic drum-style pads A portion of the water supplied to the unit is not evaporated. This can generate a considerable amount of waste water, and does require connection to a drain. Disadvantages and risksThe use of a humidifier can allow the reproduction of dust mites or the growth of harmful mold, which can be especially harmful for children and the elderly. The relative humidity should be kept between 30% and 50%. [3]. Can also cause Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (humidifier lung) [4]Some humidifiers now use Microban technology to reduce mold and bacteria growth within the EPA provides detailed information of the risks as well as recommended maintenance procedures.[5]Some humidifiers have no silent controller that measures and controls relative humidity. A humidistat may be used to control either humidifying or dehumidifying equipment by the regulation of electric or pneumatic switches, valves, or electronic humidistat includes a sensing element and a relay amplifier. The sensing element consists of alternate metal conductors on a small flat plate. An increase or decrease of the relative humidity causes a decrease or increase in the electrical resistance between the two sets of conductors and the change in resistance is measured by the relay alsoDehumidifier HVAC Hygrometer for measuring humidity Humidifier fever Humidistat Ioniser Misting fan
图4-49 电加湿器
冬天天气寒冷,大部分树上的叶子已经一片片的凋零,光合作用也没有春夏那么好了,室外一片萧瑟,也一片干燥。 北方地区在11月15日已经开始供暖了,因此室内的气候也非常干燥。有的地区的供暖情况特别好,别说室内像春天了,其实更像夏天,在家的时候,只需要穿短袖都行。 暖气越热,室内空气越干燥,会引起人一系列的不适,比如皮肤干燥,过敏等。仅仅在室内摆上几盆水生植物效果不是很明显,因此平时被人忽视的加湿器就派上了用场。 不管是贵的加湿器也好,便宜的加湿器也好,原理都是把水分子变成更小的分子释放到空气中,增加空气湿度来降噪。 但是,加湿器仅仅只能做加湿器,里面不适宜放任何东西。包括香薰、精油、花露水、醋、板蓝根等。 有的人觉得香薰精油味道很好闻,安神助眠,花露水比较提神,醋,板蓝根等有消毒杀菌防感冒的作用,放到加湿器里会不会效果更好? 华中 科技 大学同济医学院附属同济医院呼吸与危重医学科主任医师张惠兰教授表示,这种做法既不科学,更可能会引发呼吸系统疾病。 能够用来治疗,对人体起作用的雾化的物质,必须有一定的溶脂性、水溶性,能让肺泡细胞接纳,才有作用,而上述这些香薰、精油、醋、板蓝根这些就不属于让肺能接纳的东西,只能给肺带来负担,还有可能污染你的肺,引起炎症。甚至有哮喘、过敏的人用这些只会更严重。 医院里用来雾化的药物,会被打成很小的分子,有水溶性,溶脂性和一定的微粒数,肺泡细胞接纳之后很快会被毛细血管吸收,因此见效快。 大家一定不要盲目地听信并尝试一些不科学的生活方式之类的,如果想尝试可以先咨询一下医生。 另外,使用加湿器时一定要注意: 1. 不要食用自来水,要使用矿物质少纯净水、蒸馏水 2. 每天换水,不要使用隔天的水 3. 3-5天就要对加湿器进行消毒 4. 每周对加湿器滤网进行精细的拆洗 我是GiHOME,你身边的 健康 管家~ 欢迎大家把关心的话题写在评论区,我会作为后续选题,希望创作出更多大家喜欢的内容。
加湿器 Humidifier A humidifier is a household appliance that increases humidity (moisture) in a single room or in the entire home. There are point-of-use humidifiers, which are commonly used to humidify a single room, and whole-house or furnace humidifiers, which connect to a home's HVAC system to provide humidity to the entire humidifiersThe most common humidifier, an "evaporative" or "wick humidifier", consists of just a few basic parts: a reservoir, wick and are common to most humidifiers and come in different shapes and sizes. The reservoir is a containing tank of water filled prior to operation, and provides the water for the moisture output. Other types have a continuous feed from a water wick is a filter that absorbs water from the reservoir. Evaporation of water from the wick is dependent on relative humidity. A room with low humidity will have a higher evaporation rate compared to a room with high humidity. Therefore, this type of humidifier is self-regulating: As the humidity of the room increases, the water vapor output naturally decreases. These wicks regularly need cleaning and replacement — if this does not happen, the humidifier stops humidifying the area it is in and the water in the tank remains at the same fan is adjacent to the wick and blows air onto the wick, thus aiding in the evaporation of the water within the wick.[edit] Other types of humidifiersOther types of humidifiers include:Vaporizer (Steam Humidifier) (Warm Mist Humidifier) — Boils water, releasing steam and moisture into the air. A medicated inhalant can also be added to the steam vapor to help reduce coughs. Vaporizers are more healthful[1] than cool mist types of humidifiers because steam is sterile and free from minerals. Vaporizers use more electricity to boil the water. Impeller Humidifier (Cool Mist Humidifier) — A rotating disc flings water at a diffuser, which breaks the water into fine droplets that float into the air. Ultrasonic Humidifier — A metal diaphragm vibrating at an ultrasonic frequency creates water droplets that exit the humidifier in the form of a cool fog silently. Ultrasonic Humidifiers should be cleaned regularly to avoid bacterial contamination which may be projected into the air. Impeller and ultrasonic humidifiers do not selectively put water in the air, they also add any suspended material in the water to the air such as microorganisms and minerals. The amount of minerals and other materials can be greatly reduced by using distilled water, though no water is absolutely pure. Filters may also reduce the amount of material but the EPA warns, "the ability of these devices to remove minerals may vary widely."[2] Depending on the volume, this dust may have negative health effects. Wick humidifiers trap the mineral deposits in the HumidifiersFor buildings with a forced-air furnace, a humidifier may be built right into the furnace. They can also protect wooden objects, antiques and other furnishings which may be sensitive to damage from overly dry air. In colder months, they may provide substantial energy savings, since as humidity increases, occupants feel warm at a lower temperature. These units are typically called bypass humidifiers (because they are connected between the heated and cold air return ducts, using the pressure difference between these ducts to cause some heated air to make a bypass through the humidifier and return to the furnace). The humidifier should usually be disabled during the summer months if air conditioning is used; air conditioners partially function by reducing indoor humidity. There are three basic styles:Drum style: A pipe brings water directly to a reservoir (a pan) attached to the furnace. The water level in the pan is controlled by a float valve, similar to a small toilet tank float. The wick is typically a foam pad mounted on a drum and attached to a small motor; hot air enters the drum at one end and is forced to leave through the sides of the drum. When the hygrostat calls for humidity, the motor is turned on causing the drum to rotate slowly through the pan of water and preventing the foam pad from drying out. Advantages include: Low cost Inexpensive maintenance (drum-style pads are cheap and readily available)[citation needed] Disadvantages include: Requirement for frequent (approximately monthly) inspections of cleanliness and pad condition Water evaporation even when humidification is not required (due to the pan of water which remains exposed to a high velocity air stream) Mold growth in the pan full of water (this problem is exacerbated by the large quantity of air, inevitably carrying mold spores, passing through the humidifier whether in use or not). For the latter reason especially, drum-style humidifiers should always be turned off at the water supply during summer (air conditioning) months, and should always be used with high quality furnace air filters (MERV ratings as high as possible to ensure small numbers of mold spores reaching the humidifier's pan) when the water supply is turned Wheel Style: Very similar in design to the drum style humidifiers, this type of furnace humidifier replaces the foam drum with a number of plastic discs with small grooves on both sides. This allows for a very large evaporative surface area, without requiring a great deal of space. Unlike the drum style humidifiers, the disc wheel does not need replacing.[1] Advantages include: Very low maintenance (basin of humidifier should be cleaned out periodically, unless automatic flushing device is installed) No regular replacement of parts necessary Higher output due to large evaporative surface area Can be installed in hard water situations Maintains efficiency throughout lifespan Disadvantages include: Higher price Water evaporation even when humidification is not required (due to the pan of water which remains exposed to a high velocity air stream) Flow-Through Style (also known as "biscuit style" or many other, similar variant names): A pipe brings water directly to an electrically-controlled valve at the top of the humidifier. Air passes through an aluminum "biscuit" (often called a pad; using the term "biscuit" to emphasize the solid rather than foamy form) which is similar to a piece of extremely coarse steel wool. The biscuit has a coating of a matte ceramic, resulting in an extremely large surface area within a small space. When the hygrostat calls for humidity, the valve is opened and causes a spray of water onto the biscuit. Hot air is passed through the biscuit, causing the water to evaporate from the pad and be carried into the building. Advantages include: Reduced maintenance (new biscuit only when clogged with dust or mineral deposits, typically once per year) Lack of a pan of potentially stagnant water to serve as a breeding ground for mold as with a drum-style humidifier No incidental humidification caused by a constantly-replenished pan of water in a high velocity air stream Reduced requirement for expensive air filters Uses no electricity Disadvantages include: A somewhat higher purchase price Manufacturer and model-specific replacement biscuits versus the relatively generic drum-style pads A portion of the water supplied to the unit is not evaporated. This can generate a considerable amount of waste water, and does require connection to a drain. Disadvantages and risksThe use of a humidifier can allow the reproduction of dust mites or the growth of harmful mold, which can be especially harmful for children and the elderly. The relative humidity should be kept between 30% and 50%. [3]. Can also cause Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (humidifier lung) [4]Some humidifiers now use Microban technology to reduce mold and bacteria growth within the EPA provides detailed information of the risks as well as recommended maintenance procedures.[5]Some humidifiers have no silent controller that measures and controls relative humidity. A humidistat may be used to control either humidifying or dehumidifying equipment by the regulation of electric or pneumatic switches, valves, or electronic humidistat includes a sensing element and a relay amplifier. The sensing element consists of alternate metal conductors on a small flat plate. An increase or decrease of the relative humidity causes a decrease or increase in the electrical resistance between the two sets of conductors and the change in resistance is measured by the relay alsoDehumidifier HVAC Hygrometer for measuring humidity Humidifier fever Humidistat Ioniser Misting fan
#include <>#define uchar unsigned char#define uint unsigned intsbit DS=P2^2; //define interfaceuint temp; // variable of temperatureuchar flag1; // sign of the result positive or negativesbit dula=P2^6;sbit wela=P2^7;unsigned char code table[]={0x3f,0x06,0x5b,0x4f,0x66,0x6d,0x7d, 0x07,0x7f,0x6f,0x77,0x7c,0x39,0x5e,0x79,0x71};unsigned char code table1[]={0xbf,0x86,0xdb,0xcf,0xe6,0xed,0xfd, 0x87,0xff,0xef};void delay(uint count) //delay{ uint i; while(count) { i=200; while(i>0) i--; count--; }}void dsreset(void) //send reset and initialization command{ uint i; DS=0; i=103; while(i>0)i--; DS=1; i=4; while(i>0)i--;}bit tmpreadbit(void) //read a bit{ uint i; bit dat; DS=0;i++; //i++ for delay DS=1;i++;i++; dat=DS; i=8;while(i>0)i--; return (dat);}uchar tmpread(void) //read a byte date{ uchar i,j,dat; dat=0; for(i=1;i<=8;i++) { j=tmpreadbit(); dat=(j<<7)|(dat>>1); //读出的数据最低位在最前面,这样刚好一个字节在DAT里 } return(dat);}void tmpwritebyte(uchar dat) //write a byte to ds18b20{ uint i; uchar j; bit testb; for(j=1;j<=8;j++) { testb=dat&0x01; dat=dat>>1; if(testb) //write 1 { DS=0; i++;i++; DS=1; i=8;while(i>0)i--; } else { DS=0; //write 0 i=8;while(i>0)i--; DS=1; i++;i++; } }}void tmpchange(void) //DS18B20 begin change{ dsreset(); delay(1); tmpwritebyte(0xcc); // address all drivers on bus tmpwritebyte(0x44); // initiates a single temperature conversion}uint tmp() //get the temperature{ float tt; uchar a,b; dsreset(); delay(1); tmpwritebyte(0xcc); tmpwritebyte(0xbe); a=tmpread(); b=tmpread(); temp=b; temp<<=8; //two byte compose a int variable temp=temp|a; tt=temp*; temp=tt*10+; return temp;}void display(uint temp) //显示程序{ uchar A1,A2,A2t,A3; A1=temp/100; A2t=temp%100; A2=A2t/10; A3=A2t%10; dula=0; P0=table[A1]; //显示百位 dula=1; dula=0; wela=0; P0=0x7e; wela=1; wela=0; delay(1); dula=0; P0=table1[A2]; //显示十位 dula=1; dula=0; wela=0; P0=0x7d; wela=1; wela=0; delay(1); P0=table[A3]; //显示个位 dula=1; dula=0; P0=0x7b; wela=1; wela=0; delay(1);}void main(){ uchar a; do { tmpchange(); for(a=10;a>0;a--) { display(tmp()); } } while(1);}
1. 可以减小患上感冒和流感的可能性:较高的湿度使病毒更有可能附着在水蒸气液滴上并从空气中掉落,而不是直接感染我们。
2. 有助于缓解鼻塞:干燥的空气可能会导致黏液变干,从而导致鼻腔堵塞。加湿器有助于增加该区域的水分,这可能有助于分解鼻子和胸部的痰液。
3. 有助于防止皮肤干燥:当家中空气干燥时,使用唇膏等可能不足以补充皮肤水分。而加湿器可以帮助保持皮肤水分,减少皮肤发痒,并保证睡眠质量。
4. 缓解打鼾症状:干燥会导致呼吸道过度补偿,产生更多的黏液,从而产生更多的收缩和发出可听见的振动如打鼾的可能性,而加湿器可能有助于缓解导致打鼾的干燥气道。
5. 潮湿的空气有助于减少静电:当家中的空气干燥时,你可能会注意到触摸某些织物、其他人或你的宠物会引起轻微电击,空气中多增加一点水分可能有助于减轻这种情况。
#include <>#define uchar unsigned char#define uint unsigned intsbit DS=P2^2; //define interfaceuint temp; // variable of temperatureuchar flag1; // sign of the result positive or negativesbit dula=P2^6;sbit wela=P2^7;unsigned char code table[]={0x3f,0x06,0x5b,0x4f,0x66,0x6d,0x7d, 0x07,0x7f,0x6f,0x77,0x7c,0x39,0x5e,0x79,0x71};unsigned char code table1[]={0xbf,0x86,0xdb,0xcf,0xe6,0xed,0xfd, 0x87,0xff,0xef};void delay(uint count) //delay{ uint i; while(count) { i=200; while(i>0) i--; count--; }}void dsreset(void) //send reset and initialization command{ uint i; DS=0; i=103; while(i>0)i--; DS=1; i=4; while(i>0)i--;}bit tmpreadbit(void) //read a bit{ uint i; bit dat; DS=0;i++; //i++ for delay DS=1;i++;i++; dat=DS; i=8;while(i>0)i--; return (dat);}uchar tmpread(void) //read a byte date{ uchar i,j,dat; dat=0; for(i=1;i<=8;i++) { j=tmpreadbit(); dat=(j<<7)|(dat>>1); //读出的数据最低位在最前面,这样刚好一个字节在DAT里 } return(dat);}void tmpwritebyte(uchar dat) //write a byte to ds18b20{ uint i; uchar j; bit testb; for(j=1;j<=8;j++) { testb=dat&0x01; dat=dat>>1; if(testb) //write 1 { DS=0; i++;i++; DS=1; i=8;while(i>0)i--; } else { DS=0; //write 0 i=8;while(i>0)i--; DS=1; i++;i++; } }}void tmpchange(void) //DS18B20 begin change{ dsreset(); delay(1); tmpwritebyte(0xcc); // address all drivers on bus tmpwritebyte(0x44); // initiates a single temperature conversion}uint tmp() //get the temperature{ float tt; uchar a,b; dsreset(); delay(1); tmpwritebyte(0xcc); tmpwritebyte(0xbe); a=tmpread(); b=tmpread(); temp=b; temp<<=8; //two byte compose a int variable temp=temp|a; tt=temp*; temp=tt*10+; return temp;}void display(uint temp) //显示程序{ uchar A1,A2,A2t,A3; A1=temp/100; A2t=temp%100; A2=A2t/10; A3=A2t%10; dula=0; P0=table[A1]; //显示百位 dula=1; dula=0; wela=0; P0=0x7e; wela=1; wela=0; delay(1); dula=0; P0=table1[A2]; //显示十位 dula=1; dula=0; wela=0; P0=0x7d; wela=1; wela=0; delay(1); P0=table[A3]; //显示个位 dula=1; dula=0; P0=0x7b; wela=1; wela=0; delay(1);}void main(){ uchar a; do { tmpchange(); for(a=10;a>0;a--) { display(tmp()); } } while(1);}