The prior three elements above, which are commonly seen in a corporate balance sheet, could be linked through the following equation: Assets = Liabilities + Equity. While the latter three elements, as major
Accounting, the Environment and Sustainability(会计、环境与可持续发展) Sustainability relates to both present and future generations. It is discuss that the needs of all peoples are met. Those needs are both social and env
Accounting, the Environment and Sustainability(会计、环境与可持续发展) Sustainability relat
Accounting, the Environment and Sustainability(会计、环境与可持续发展) Sustainability relat
decision-making in an increasingly important role. Accordingly, the financial ac
1. 处理好全面与重点的关系 2. 处理好理解与记忆的关系 3. 处理好自学与面授的关系 会计的未来是什么?对我而言,会计的未来就是今天的努力。我不
[5]刘兴耘. 浅析会计理论研究与会计体系构建[J]. 学周刊,2014,33:33.[6]姚晓宁. 信息技术在财务管理教学中的应用[J]. 学周刊,2014,