confucius Confuius's given name is Qiu, also styled Zhongni. He was born in QuFu, China, 551 ., and died in 479 founded confuciansism--the famous philosophical school in the histor
1、 从儒家思想看文化自信的内在意蕴2、 论先秦儒家思想源起的几个问题3、 儒家思想积极心理学意蕴探析4、 观宇宙·明明德·尽仁道——探究熊十力《新唯识论》“转变”章之儒家思想5、 浅析儒家思想的现世价值6、
as well as the individual`s social responsibility for their country. For Confucius, political honesty is based on individual ethical :儒家思想是中国传统文化的主干。孔子的哲学体系以“仁”为核心,《
1、 从儒家思想看文化自信的内在意蕴2、 论先秦儒家思想源起的几个问题3、 儒家思想积极心理学意蕴探析4、 观宇宙·明明德·尽仁道——探究熊十力《新唯识论》“转
475, 551, in Qufu, Shandong Province, was born educator Confucius, an ancient Ch
475, 551, in Qufu, Shandong Province, was born educator Confucius, an ancient Ch
as well as the individual`s social responsibility for their country. For Confuci
Ancient China was a place where states were often at war with each other.But it