China's military strategy is active defense. The world is in the process of major changes and adjustments. Peace and development remains the principal theme in today's world and the overall international securit
解释如下:我在一篇文章里看到如下标题:Corporate Foreign Vulnerability, Financial Policies and the Exchange Rate Regime: Evidence from Brazil 这个标题中,Foreign Vulnerability和财经政策,汇率制度形成并列关系,
Transmission Gear Pair 以上例子都是发表过的论文,有一定参考意义,综上,我觉得咱可以直接用Influence或者impact,去掉那个analysis,这样就不会觉得别扭了。其他词你用的都很好~Influence of Cyberspace on national security
as the center, go stand on one's own, rely through one's own efforts "span type"
China's overall security environment remains sound. There is no real threat of l
1. Causes of global climate change Global climate change is the large number of
national defence education; National defense education; Citizen National Defense
12. 中学 英语阅读 教学中的文化差异渗透 13. 口译中的笔记及实际运用中的障碍 14. 浅析委婉语及其语用功效 英汉翻译论文选题(三)1. 汉译英中的