sewage treatment,wastewater treatment 为使污水经过一定方法处理后,达到设定的某些标准,排入水体、排入某一水体或再次使用等的采取的某些措施或者方法等。 现代污水处理技术,按处理程度划分,可分为一级、二级和三级处理。 一级处理,
Also threaten the creatures of the nature and the human safety, caused great impact on human life.我时常幻想着,假如这些污水经过处理,变成干净的、能饮用的水,那该多好啊!
由electro-coagulation Treatability(EC)和electro-Fenton(EF)的方法已经被应用于跳一场有组织的工业地区污水组成了大部分跳植物和彼此比较在本研究中。Iron plates were used as the anode and cathode.
Also threaten the creatures of the nature and the human safety, caused great imp
he shall make necessary improvement of the equipment or replace it either in the
industrial waste water;this equipment produces waste water by coating spraying p
1 水处理的概念 水处理是指为达到成品水的水质要求而对原水的加工过程。在循环用水系统以及水的再生处理中,原水是废水,成品水是用水,加工过程兼具给水处理和废水处理