ERP Remote Application Problem by New Technology Abstract:With continuous expansion of business operation,a lot of corporations have been required to establish branches in various are increasingly close
Key considerations in port development in China: from the perspective of cooperation and competition.我觉得 considerations 比 factors 更有 “学术性”,把 “合作” 放在 “竞争” 前面让文章有比较正面的感觉。
From Chinese port to the dispute and international trade in one corner of the 中文意思是:从中国港口发生的争端与国际贸易的一角。
ERP Remote Application Problem by New Technology Abstract:With continuous expans
[6]王海军,姜磊. 后金融危机时代中国银行业金融创新与发展[J]. 金融发展研究,2010,(12).[7]王海军,姜磊. 后金融危机时代中国银行业金融创新与
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