观后感,就是看了一部电影、电视剧、球赛或者选秀节目等等之后,把具体感受和得到的启示写成的文章。下面是我整理的观后感用英文单词,欢迎阅读。 观后感用英文单词 impression of view 观后感用英文短语 摇滚校园观后感 Rock campus Pom Pok
Passion for 对。。。的热情 passion for job 对工作的热情 Comments for对。。。的评论 comment for this article 对这篇文章的评论
评价英语说法1:evaluate 评价英语说法2:assess 评价英语说法3:estimate 评价的相关短语:技术评价 Technology assessment ; technical evaluation ; technical review ; technological assessment 经济评价 economic evaluation ;
make a comment on/about sth/sb 或者直接使用comment的动词形态:comment on sth, comment that .
It's terrific to see you dress formally and well prepared for the speech, and yo
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1. 英语写作文时常用短语 of course! Guess what? No problem! Time is up. Let me see. That's