Wang Xiaogang spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind a good/close friend of his, I must do something to help him.王小刚把大多数时间用来玩电脑,导致他落后于其他人。
可以从言语和行动两方面去描述如何劝朋友不要沉迷网络游戏,例如网络游戏会对学习和生活的各方面造成影响。例子:As a friend of LiHua, will help him in two ways.作为李华的好朋友我会通过两个方面帮助他 In speech
the Internet is the new video game or TV show. Although they may have good intentions, they might be at risk of coming across something inappropriate and even solve the problem, we should star
As far as I am concerned, I have some suggestions on how to use it correctly. In a word, playing computer games in a society with great pressure is very good As we all know, living in this stressful
As far as I am concerned, I have some suggestions on how to use it correctly. In
向人们宣传网络的两面性,警醒人们不要过于沉迷网络。 网络是把双刃剑,我们只要利用好手上这把剑,做到绿色上网、文明上网、快乐上网,网络对我们就会百利而无一害。 网
关于网络的议论文篇一 近几年来,网络流行语正以不可抵挡之势席卷而来。从年流行的“神马都是浮云”,“蒜你狠”,到年的“正能量”、“屌丝”。这些网络流行语正冲击着