On 1 january 2005 to cancel the textile quota of all the world trade. however, not long afterwards, american and european and restore trade protectionism or clubs, exports to china textile from 2005 to th
people for the survival of the environment and began to rethink its proposed higher level of demand, the environmental stresses more comfort and individuality of Decorated a fixed environment, the first
system as well as the theory of the relevant international competitive : textile and garment industry; diamond theory; evaluation index; internatinal competitive edge 纯手工翻译,
On 1 january 2005 to cancel the textile quota of all the world trade. however, n
4、英文题目: 使用三号字加粗。 5、英文摘要: “Absract”顶格,使用四号字,并加粗。英文摘要具体内容使用四号字。 6、英文关键词: “Key Word
1 John H Jackson; World Trade and the Law of GATT [M];; 1969年 2 Henry R Zheng; L