FOR AGAINST 1. Students look neat and tidy. 1. Uniforms are expensive. 2. The public knows which school you are from. 2. Children grow fast, need new uniforms. 3. Parents all pay the same money.
Although we have managed to protect the environment to a certain extent. It is still a very long way to go.中文大意:)~~在现代社会,我们越来越趋向于关注,我们的生活环境和自然环境,
51、 应用型英语专业本科人才培养的目标与体系构建 52、 应用型本科背景下英语专业师范生培养途径探索 53、 市属本科院校英语专业学生就业核心竞争力培养策略探析 54、 英语专业本科毕业论文“精细化”指导“六步”模式探索 55、
1. In China, people are required to retire at a fixed age, men at 60 and women at 55. People used to accept it without any doubts, but now with diversification of employment and the longer life ex
1. In China, people are required to retire at a fixed age, men at 60 and women
15高中英语教学中文化品格培养路径分析与实践研究 16浅谈以评促写在高中英语教学中的应用 17核心素养视域下的高中英语写作教学实践探究——以Unit 4 Ast
“追星”如今已成为一种时尚,成为年轻人的标志。其实“追星”并不是一种好现象,但如果适当的,选择好的“星”做为自己学习的榜样,这也不失为一件好事。但许多人却 以夸