agriculture, farmers' income is the effective way. China should establish the conesponding industrialization subject structure and industrial structure,
recession and expansion. Economic cycle is a common phenomenon despite of the social system. There is economic cycle in a capitalism sociaty as well as in a communism society. China's economic cycles is disti
正体、结束语 (conclusion) 论文 题目太长时,应该缩短,可加副标题(不宜超过15个)。 注释:Notes 既可以有脚注(footnotes ) , 也可以有尾注 (endnotes) A4纸张 (21*) 边距:
agriculture, farmers' income is the effective way. China should establish the co
online orders, logistics delivery. So online shopping and logistics are an essen
LU分解计算在一个单一的分配给每个细胞细胞在映射到目标的LU分解,我们看看所取得的业绩,可在计算的算法在一个单元格。 这一结果给出了具体的算法是细胞的适宜措施。
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