Sunflowers (original title, in French, Tournesols) are the subject of a series of still life paintings executed in oil on canvas by the Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh. Among the Sunflowers paintings are thre
Vincent van Gogh, for whom color was the chief symbol of expression, was born in Groot-Zundert, Holland. The son of a pastor, brought up in a religious and cultured atmosphere, Vincent was highly emotiona
梵高发自内心地说:“画面里的色彩就是生活里的热情。” 梵高最着名的作品是1888年8月完成的《向日葵》。在这幅画中,黄色是太阳的象征。他还不止一次地描绘灼目的太阳。同年 10月所作的《夕阳剪柳》中那欢快明亮的色彩,
主要是介绍向日葵 还是他本人?这个是介绍向日葵的 Vincent van Gogh, for whom color was the chief symbol o
《玫瑰》(Roses),《播种者》(The Sower),《鸢尾花》(Irises),《麦田上的鸦群》(Wheat Field with Crows),《梵高的
Sunflowers (original title, in French, Tournesols) are the subject of a series o