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Upon the completion of this thesis,I am grateful to those who have offered meencouragement and support during the course of my study.

First,specialacknowledgment is given to my respectable supervisor whose patient instruction andconstructive suggestions are beneficial to me a lot.

Second, particular thanks go to allthe teachers and professors who have taught me for their instruction and generoussupport during these years. What is more, I would like to present my thanks to one ofmy special friend from whom I get tremendous love and encouragement as well astechnical instruction. Finally, I would like to express the most heartfelt gratitude to myfamily members who have provided me great help and support.

Though the mostunfortunate thing happened to me, while I survived and became sfronger. Their love isalways the source of my strength during the period of thesis writing. And I love you,dad.

I would like to dedicate my paper to all those who have offered me tremendousassistance during the three years in Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics.

First of all, my heartiest thanks flow to my supervisor, Professor Cao Daogen, forhis helpful guidance, valuable suggestions and constant encouragement both in mystudy and in my life. His profound insight and accurateness about my paper taught meso much that they are engraved on my heart. He provided me with beneficial help andoffered me precious comments during the whole process of my writing, without whichthe paper would not be what it is now.

Also, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the professors who havetaught me in this university that greatly broadened my horizon and enriched myknowledge in my study. Their inspirational and conscientious teaching have providedme with a firm basis for the composing of this paper and will always be of great valueto my future academic research.

My thanks also go to the scholars whose monographs and academic papers haveenlightened me in the writing of this paper.

Finally, I would like to extend my deep gratefulness to my family and friends,especially my three roommates, Chen Linghua, Gong Sha and Huang Jin, whoseencouragement and support have made my accomplishments possible.

215 评论


AcknowledgementsMy deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor aaa , my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present , I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor aaa, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Professor dddd, Professor ssss, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.

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首先我要衷心的感谢我的导师教授。 老师知识渊博,思路开阔,总能把握知识的最前沿,在他的引导下,我认识了xx理论,极大的开拓了我的学术视野,也为本篇论文打下了理论基础。在论文撰写方面更是给予了方向性的指导和建设性的意见和建议。 除了在学习上给予指导外,生活上也给了我无私的帮助和指点,特别是期间对我的帮助让我非常感动。 老师严谨细致的治学态度,认真勤奋的工作作风,以及宽容无谓的生活态度将会一直激励着我在今后的工作生活中继续努力、勇往直前。 毕业论文感谢信 感谢上帝,让我可以顺利的完成毕业论文。回顾两年多以来的硕士学习和科研工作,我在学业、科研和生活上得到了众多老师、同学和朋友们的热心帮助和有力支持。在此,我要向他们表示我诚挚的谢意! 首先,今日论文的完稿,多承蒙我导师杨*副教授和张*老师的悉心指导,两位老师给我提供了良好的实验环境,同时在科研上给了我大量的、极其有益的建议和具体的指导,并在论文的撰写和审稿中倾注了大量的心血。此外,杨老师还在生活和思想上关心我、照顾我。在此,我再次表示万分的感谢! 其次,非常感谢实验室的……硕士的帮助,对我的学习和科研工作给予了很大的帮助和支持,在我的科研工作和论文撰写中,他们都给我提出了宝贵的意见和建议,在此表示深深的谢意。 再次,特别谢谢我的一群同学和朋友+,一起生活和工作学习的美好时光里,你们给予我的真诚的鼓励和无私的帮助是终生难忘的。 最后,我要感谢父母和亲人多年来在生活上无微不至的照顾和精神上的支持,我能长这么大,还能够有机会读书,甚至硕士毕业,真的不知道对你们的付出说些什么,谁言寸草心,报得三春辉。千言万语化作一句感恩的.话:辛苦了! XXX 日期 英语专业毕业论文致谢词 acknowledgements my deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to professor aaa , my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and guidance. she has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form. second, i would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to professor aaa, who led me into the world of translation. i am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the department ofenglish: professor dddd, professor ssss, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years. last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. i also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis 硕士毕业论文致谢经典范文 岁月如歌,光阴似箭,两年的研究生生活即将结束。经历了找工作的喧嚣与坎坷,我深深体会到了写作论文时的那份宁静与思考。回首两年的求学历程,对那些引导我、帮助我、激励我的人,我心中充满了感激。 首先要感谢导师许鹏教授,论文定题到写作定稿,倾注了许老师大量的心血。在我攻读硕士研究生期间,深深受益于许老师的关心、爱护和谆谆教导。他作为老师,点拨迷津,让人如沐春风;作为长辈,关怀备至,让人感念至深。能师从许老师,我为自己感到庆幸。在此谨向许老师表示我最诚挚的敬意和感谢! 还要感谢李正辉副教授。李老师在论文的写作中给予了许多指导与建议,谨在此表示衷心的感谢。 同时,我要感谢所有教导过我、关心过我的老师。特别是统计学院的宋光辉教授、胡宗义教授、朱慧明教授、王亚雄教授、曾昭法副教授、周四军副教授、张立军副教授、蔡晓春副教授、王瑛副教授、陈黎明副教授、谭德俊副教授、刘再华副教授、胡荣才副教授、马守荣老师、谭朵朵老师、孔志周老师、任英华老师、倪青山老师。你们为我的学业倾注了大量心血,你们为人师表的风范令我敬仰,严谨治学的态度令我敬佩。还要感谢感谢刘志云老师、陈方军老师、张芝元老师、夏浩老师和统计学院的其他各位老师对我的一贯帮助! 感谢一直关心与支持我的同学和朋友们!我的朋友,郭倩、符娴、张一川,感谢你们的鼓励和帮助。还要感谢的是我寝室的姐妹邹琦、刘斌,师兄王毅以及统计学院xx级全体研究生同学。两年来,我们朝夕相处,共同进步,感谢你们给予我的所有关心和帮助。同窗之谊,我将终生难忘! 在此要感谢我生活学习了六年的母校——湖南大学,母校给了我一个宽阔的学习的平台,让我不断吸取新知,充实自己。 需要特别感谢的是我的父母。父母的养育之恩无以为报,他们是我十多年求学路上的坚强后盾,在我面临人生选择的迷茫之际,为我排忧解难,他们对我无私的爱与照顾是我不断前进的动力。 大学毕业论文感谢信 本论文在xx-x导师的悉心指导下完成的。导师渊博的专业知识、严谨的治学态度,精益求精的工作作风,诲人不倦的高尚师德,严于律己、宽以待人的崇高风范,朴实无法、平易近人的人格魅力对本人影响深远。不仅使本人树立了远大的学习目标、掌握了基本的研究方法,还使本人明白了许多为人处事的道理。本次论文从选题到完成,每一步都是在导师的悉心指导下完成的,倾注了导师大量的心血。在此,谨向导师表示崇高的敬意和衷心的感谢!在写论文的过程中,遇到了很多的问题,在老师的耐心指导下,问题都得以解决。所以在此,再次对老师道一声:老师,谢谢您! 时光匆匆如流水,转眼便是大学毕业时节,春梦秋云,聚散真容易。离校日期已日趋渐进,毕业论文的完成也随之进入了尾声。从开始进入课题到论文的顺利完成,一直都离不开老师、同学、朋友给我热情的帮助,在这里请接受我诚挚的谢意!在此我向xx-xx学校xx-xxx-xx专业的所有老师表示衷心的感谢,谢谢你们三年的辛勤栽培,谢谢你们在教学的同时更多的是传授我们做人的道理,谢谢三年里面你们孜孜不倦的教诲! 三年寒窗,所收获的不仅仅是愈加丰厚的知识,更重要的是在阅读、实践中所培养的思维方式、表达能力和广阔视野。很庆幸这三年来我遇到了如此多的良师益友,无论在学习上、生活上,还是工作上,都给予了我无私的帮助和热心的照顾,让我在一个充满温馨的环境中度过三年的大学生活。感恩之情难以用言语量度,谨以最朴实的话语致以最崇高的敬意。 最后要感谢的是我的父母,他们不仅培养了我对中国传统文化的浓厚的兴趣,让我在漫长的人生旅途中使心灵有了虔敬的归依,而且也为我能够顺利的完成毕业论文提供了巨大的支持与帮助。在未来的日子里,我会更加努力的学习和工作,不辜负父母对我的殷殷期望!我一定会好好孝敬他们,报答他们!爸妈,我爱你们!

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啊但是公司大法官空间但是分公司东风公司大法官煽风点火股份 风格

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